The Fox Sin Of Greed

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__Your POV__

As you wake up, you walk out of your room and sit at a table while rubbing your temples.  You look up to see Meliodas sitting across from you, "Well (Y/N), how do you feel?"

"I feel like I got hit upside the head with a giant ass hammer."  He just laughs at your reaction, but then his face goes serious.  "(Y/N), I need to know, do you remember a whole lot of the fight?"  You look down, to see that you don't have an evidence of Gilthunder's sword going through you.  "Well, not really.  I remember losing control to Aku, but other than that, not much.  Although I do know he was able to summon my sword."

Meliodas looks at the table, "You see, he wants to fight me again, but I can't do that right now.  I need you to help me get the sins before I lose a lot of my power in a fight like that.  Do you remember our last fight?"  "Well, no.  I do not."

__Flashback to Meliodas vs. Aku__

"Okay Aku, I don't want you to hold back at all.  Since none of the other sins are here, I will do the same."

"With Pleasure Meliodas."  (Y/N) was already in his werewolf form, and it was around 8:30.  The sun had just went down, and his power was slowly crawling its' way up.  Then , Meliodas rushed the wolf, and went to kick him.  Yet, Aku just disappeared.  "What the he-"  Meliodas was then punched into the ground.  As Meliodas got up, he kicked the wolf's legs, and spun around, kicking him in the head.

As Aku got up, he was laughing.  "Finally, a challenge!"  He rushed Meliodas and the two exchanged blows.  By the time they were both done with that, the wolf looked into Meliodas' eyes.  They were glowing yellow.  "Holy Slayer."  He just went up, and kicked Meliodas in the stomach.  As Meliodas got up, he realized he had almost nothing for magical power.  "You see Meliodas, this is Holy Slayer.  You've seen me use it a few times, but I won't be able to keep it away from you for long."  

Meliodas decided to just use physical attacks, and rushed up to kick the wolf.  As he did, he could feel his magic coming back.  "Looks like you can't hold in my power."  He then proceeded with the kick that sent the wolf flying about a hundred yards.  When he landed, all of Meliodas's strength was back.  He cautiously walked up to the crater, but felt an enourmous amount of power in the crater.  "Setsu."  Meliodas backed away, but wasn't fast enough as he felt the blade pierce through his stomach.  "You see captain, I'm going to win."  Meliodas could feel his power fading and going to Aku, and decided what needed to be done. 

Aku Okami stood there with a beaming smile, as he charged up a move that was glowing in white.  "White Nova."  He shot it straight at Meliodas, as he could only do one thing.  "FULL COUNTER!!!"  Aku was then hit with his own magic attack, making him revert back to (Y/N).  Meliodas passed out, and slumped onto the ground.

__Present Your POV__

"I guess I didn't think Aku Okami was quite that strong."  Meliodas just looked at you, "He is.  He may be a wolf, but he's also part demon, making him far stronger."  

"Well, I think we should look for our next sin.  I heard that Ban is being held by the Weird Fangs, so that should be too difficult!"  You said this as you heard Elizabeth coming.  You just motioned for Meliodas to play along.  "Of course, we'll leave as soon as we can."

Elizabeth then entered the room, and bowed to you both.  "Good morning Lord Meliodas and Lord (Y/N)!"  You noticed Meliodas was looking up her skirt, "Well that it is."  He said this while searching under her skirt.  "Oh no mister, you're not allowed to do that.  Not this early."  Hawk then pulled meliodas out and tied him up.

You just chuckled, as you let this go on.

__Time Skip after Meliodas was poisoned__

You look up to see Meliodas and Diane fighting each other, in some sort of hallucination.  Elizabeth then broke the holy knights' staff, but Meliodas ended up protecting her as the knight went to kill her.  You went and lead the way to the tower.  Meliodas completely destroyed the the first holy knight they saw.  As you made your way up, you saw Ban.  You then looked in the distance and saw a beautiful blue-haired girl standing there practically naked.  You walked right passed Ban, and handed her your long sleeved shirt.  She put it on, as it was a bit big on her.  But then she saw the tattoo on your forearm and started backing away.  You even noticed the tint of blush on her face.

"Y-you're n-not real!  You're just a myth!"  She started yelling this at you as you walked towards her.  "Yet I'm here.  I am the eighth sin, the Wolf Sin of Loyalty, (Y/N) (L/N)."  "She then just turned and ran.  "Well then, that didn't go how I expected, but she was pretty cute..."  You thought this in your head as you saw Captain and Ban doing their little game on deadly patty cake.  Then they started an arm wrestling contest, as the entire tower fell.

__Time Skip (Back to the Tavern)__

Ban was staring at you from across the room.  You just flashed him a smile as he walked up to you.  "There's no way you're the eighth sin.  He always had a mask on, but you just don't seem as power full."  You just laughed as you looked at him, "Well, if there is a way for me to prove it, allow me to do so."  Ban looked mad about your answer but then bursted out laughing.  "Meet me outside the tavern at sundown, he was always more powerful then."  You just nodded and walked to your room, thinking about the girl you met earlier.  You then came up with an Idea, and went to the kitchen to grab a knife.  You wrote her a letter, explaining to her who you are, and asking for information back.  "Twilight."  The knife then went out of the tavern and was sent flying.  You just smiled, as you realized it was almost sundown.

You walked outside to see Ban, hunched on a tree.  "Listen, I'm just going to test something.  I want you to hit me with a move only he knew.  Then, and only then will I believe you."  You just laughed and closed your eyes, reaching your hand out.  "Setsu, come to me."

"N-no way!  That was his weapon!  How did you get it!"  He then charged at you, and right before he would've been able to punch you, you decided to use, "Time Collapse."  You just stuck your sword in the ground, and took a few steps back.  "Explosion."  You said this as soon as time started back up, and Ban went flying.  As soon as he landed, he just laughed and laughed.

"So you really are him, well it's nice to finally put a face to a name."

The Eighth Sin; The Wolf Sin of Loyalty . (Jericho X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now