Training Day (Part 2)

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(Your POV)

I stood in basically my mind. It was dark, but after what Aku had said to me, I realized something. In my moment of weakness, the bastard was able to take control! "Damn it! Aku! I'm gonna kill you if you hurt them too badly!" Obviously I wasn't getting through to him, because he didn't respond. I looked around, and in the darkness was a single light.

I chose to walk towards it. It was a small orb that I'd never seen in all the times that Aku took over. I reached to touch it, only to hear Aku shout at me, "You touch that damned orb, and I kill the girl." I look at the orb in shock, before I realize what he meant. He could kill Jericho before I could ever gain control again. I stood there, paralyzed in fear as I stared the small glowing orb down. I slowly reached out with a shaking right hand, almost unconsciously my left hand reached to grab my right wrist as I looked at my arms. 

Both of my arms were shaking uncontrollably. I slowly took a deep breath in, closing my eyes as I thought to myself, "Okay, so if Aku is that worried about me touching this orb, what the hell is it? Is it the key to taking over?" I exhaled and realized I was faced with an option; I either take the orb and risk losing Jericho, or I just sit back and allow Aku to finish the exercise. What to do!?

(3rd POV)

Aku slowly turned his neck, effectively making a loud and nasty neck pop come from the large werewolf. He rubbed his neck, his eyes darting around for any signs of Meliodas. He then takes a step forward, before being started by an attack from his right. He got his arms up in time to block it, but he stumbled back due to not expecting the hit. He blinked a few times as the dust settled and he smirked to himself as he looked at his current opponent, "Ban? You know better than to try to win a fight you'll lose.

Ban only grinned his idiot grin to the large creature before him, "Trust me, I know. It's a training day though. It's only fitting I get at least one good shot in!" Ban quickly kicked Aku in the chest, sending him back a few steps before stepping forward again. "So it's true, isn't it? You're weaker in the day than during night?" Aku gnarled as he glared towards the immortal being, obviously pissed off that Ban has already gotten two hits off on him. Ban continued to walk closer until he was close enough to stare the large creature in the eyes. "What power are you capable of that you had a draw with cap-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Aku punched him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. "Mortals like you know nothing. You might be immortal for unknown reasons, but you're still a human!" He immediately ran towards where Ban flew off to until being blindsided again. He quickly turned and caught the foot of his attacker before lifting them and slamming them into the ground. He stood there, before he heard the person talking and dusting themselves off.

"Well, well, well. You took over? How troublesome. How about you let (Y/N) take over and go away before I kick your ass?" Meliodas simply smiled towards Aku, not showing any real signs of pain. Aku showed a face of anger, and threw a fist towards Meliodas, "Tch, come on. Really?" Meliodas simply swatted the fist away and followed up with an uppercut to send Aku flying up. "You should know better than to fight me after exhausting yourself with taking over (Y/N)'s mind. We both know he's not a small fry anymore Aku." As Aku fell back the the ground, he was kicked into a tree as Meliodas delivered a quick side kick. "Now, give up." 

(Your POV)

I shake my head, having made up my mind. I reach for the small orb, and as my hand touches it, I'm engulfed in a blinding light. I blink a few times, and I'm against a tree with Meliodas looking down at me, "Well shit. Looks like the dog got his ass kicked..." I look at Meliodas before feeling a rush. I quickly hop to my feet and twist to crack me back. "I'm back. Now, back to business." I feel something odd in my hand, and I turn it over. Nothing. My hands are both burning up, as I start to see sparks start jumping from my hands. My worried face is quickly converted to a satisfied grin.

I snap my fingers, and I'm behind Meliodas before either of us can perceive it. "Nice, I've got powers over light." He turns to look at me before I choose to see just how fast the speed of light is. I raise my foot for a roundhouse kick, and he is sent flying before I can even tell I hit him.

"I think that's enough (Y/N)!" I hear Grover yell out. Damn it! The one time I was doing good in a spar! Come on! I just simply walked over to where Meliodas had landed on his back and was staring at the sky. I reached out with my hand, as he grabbed it and I lifted him.

"You alright Captain?"

He nodded as he blinked a few times, "Yeah, just surprised. Let's go back to the tavern. We'll have a few drinks and talk this over." He smiles up at me as we walk and talk, slowly making our way back over to our team mates. 


Hello readers! It's me, the author! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to get this out as soon as possible for you guys! Let me know what you think! Also, I've had requests for a lemon. Let me know if you want one, and I'll have one next chapter for you guys! Also planning on starting a TOG x Male Reader fanfic in the upcoming week! As always, thank you for reading!

The Eighth Sin; The Wolf Sin of Loyalty . (Jericho X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now