Chapter 7: She did what?!

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Chapter 7: She did what?!

Kim's POV

It's been a couple of months since Lindsay tried to flirt with Jack in the dojo and she's been laying mysteriously low. Which is very unsettling, Jack tells me that she finally have up on getting him back, but I still don't believe it. On a lighter note it's FINALLY fall break and I can focus more on karate and my relationship with Jack and my friends. Oh, and by the way I am now a red belt! Everyone is astonished at my progress. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the door to the dojo open. I stop beating up the punching dummy and in comes in Lindsay and her posy. I internally roll my eyes.

Me: What are you guys doing here?

Lindsay: Simple freak, we're joining the dojo.

She and her friends smirk at me and I am in total shock. Just then the guys walk in and they all stop when they see Lindsay and her friends.

Jack: What are you guys doing here?

Lindsay walks up seductively to Jack and puts her arms around his neck. I can feel my temper rising as the wind picks up outside.

Lindsay: isn't it great Jackie? I'm joining the dojo!

Jack pulls her arms off of him and walks over to me, he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head. It calms me down and the wind settles.

Lindsay: I don't understand why you'd rather have that over me! Ugh, who runs this place any ways?!

Rudy: I do. I'm Rudy

He walks up to Lindsay to shake her hand and she ignores it.

Lindsay: Whatever. Just go get our paper work.

Jack looks at Lindsay like he wants to rip her head of for disrespecting our sensei, but I quickly calm him down by rubbing his back and kissing his cheek. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. I smile back and we both glare at Lindsay.

Jack: If you want to be in this dojo first rule is respect. You don't speak to our sensei like that. Ever!

Lindsay looks taken aback by Jacks outburst at her but quickly recovers and smiles an obvious fake smile.

Lindsay: of course. Were are my manors? Rudy, could you please get our paper work?

Rudy: Yeah sure. The rest of you get your gis on and start stretching.

He goes into his office and the rest of us go to the locker rooms. When we come out Rudy had given the girls their gis and white belts.

Rudy: Okay, let's get started with some sparring. Kim you and Lindsay will go first.

Lindsay and I glared at each other and stepped on to the mat and into our fighting stances. Lindsay and I bow, I look into her eyes and the glow an evil looking red color. She blinks and they are back to normal... what?!

Rudy signals the start of the fight and Lindsay comes forward swinging randomly. I block her punches and kick her legs out from under her. She lands on her back and hops back up. She looks at me with red eyes before she punches me square in the face. All I see is black before I hear and feel my body hit the floor...

Jack's POV

What...?! Lindsay and Kim where just sparing and Lindsay knocked Kim flat out. Lindsay and her friends walk into the dressing room and I go to Kim to try and wake her up.

Me: Come on Kim, wake up!

Kim's POV

I open my eyes but all I see is darkness. I look around and realize I'm under water. I'm in my cave... Was all of that just a dream? Jack and all the guys never existed? I feel a deep sadness until I ball of light comes into my cave. Follow me it says floating off. I swim after it and end up in the cove. When I go in I see a woman with a beautiful white mermaid tale and some white flowers woven into her long blonde hair.

Me: Who are you?

Woman: Oh sweet child. Im the mermaid goddess.

She said in a very comforting voice.

Me: What happened?

I ask suddenly remembering how I got here.

Goddess: Lindsay... she is not human anymore. Do you remember that one full moon when you felt your weakest?

I nod my head. I remember that one night I had to stay at Jack's house while he took care of me instead of going on a romantic date that he had planned.

Goddess: Anyways. You felt that way because of Lindsay. She found the mermaids source of life. It's a rare blue pearl that hides inside of a Snow White clam. How she found it I do not know. But it has turned her into a siren. And a very dangerous one at that. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to get the pearl away from her. She will loose all of her powers and return to normal. It's sad really. The pearl is supposed to turn people to mermaids. Sadly there is too much darkness in her heart. So she is now a siren. She needs to be stopped Kimberly. Do you accept the mission?

Me: I accept.

As soon as I say yes she hands me an old trunk and everything goes black.

When I wake again I'm on the floor of the dojo. Lindsay and her friends are gone and it's just me, Jack and the guys.

Jack: Kim, are you okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine.

Milton: uh, Kim... why did an old trunk appear when you woke up?

I look next to me and the trunk that the mer goddess gave me.

Rudy: Kim, what's going on?

Me: Guys there's something I should tell you.

Rudy, Eddy, Milton and Jerry all look at me expectedly.

Jack looks at me worriedly and I offer him a small comforting small and he returns it.

Me: Guys, there's something I need to tell you... I'm a mermaid. The last one. Lindsay was able to knock me out because she is no longer human. Se stole the mer stone, usually it would turn you into a mermaid... but Lindsay has too much darkness in her heart. So, the stone turned her into a siren.

The guys all look at me shocked.

Jerry: If what you say is true then prove you're a mermaid.

I look at Jack and he goes to the bench and gets my water bottle. When he hands it to me he locks the door and closes the blinds. I poor the water on me and my dark tail and hair appear. The guys all have wide eyes and Jack just smiles at me.

Rudy: So, are you a mermaid turned human or human turned mermaid?

Me: Mermaid turned human. I am the last mermaid.

Milton: What happened to the others?

I proceed to tell them everything and pretty soon we make a plan to stop Lindsay and get the mer stone back.

We will get that stone from you Lindsay. One way or another...

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