chapter 3

461 13 2

Laura Palmer - Bastille

(Ryans POV)

So apparently Yaz came round earlier and my lazy ass was still in bed. She told Graham that she had a good time last night, but I know she doesn't like me like that. I mean, thats ok obviously, but its a bit hard when someone doesn't like you as much as you like them. The only good thing is that last night, and I don't think she remembers it all that good, but she let slip that she already likes someone. I am actually surprised how early she came around, last night she could barely walk, but that's Yaz for you. She will always find a way to surprise us.

Anyway, I was trying to press her about who this other guy is and she just completely changes the subject on me, every time. At least she made it pretty clear we were friends early on so I had time to get over it a bit before the night was over. It was good to see her let loose a bit, I barely see her around but when I do she's always at work or picking something up from the shops, and she always looks like she wants whatever she is doing to be over.

I'm currently on the way to the hospital with Graham to pick up yet another set of results, I mean, the last ones were good, the cancer isn't back, but that just means that it could be just about anything else. Its times like this we could use the doctor, none of us have been the same since we left the TARDIS, but she'd be able to do some awesome alien scanning thing on him and we'd know, and then she'd take us to a hospital where they know how to fix whatever it could be. But that wont happen, not yet anyway. I think Graham wants to keep it a secret, but his not very good at them and he always manages to give it all away. I think he wanted to keep the whole going to see the doctor again secret, not so I didn't know but so I could be happy surprised, I haven't had many of them for a while. He's a good man, and I feel bad I can't call him grandad but that will always be reserved for my biological one. I hope it doesn't affect him too much, especially now were the only family we have. I'm doing all the things any grandson would do but I just can't call him that yet.

As we walk in I can tell his nervous, but he seemed grateful to still get free bus journeys. Perks of the job really, and the friends he's got there are all helping us along. He knows that if its another negative test, he'd have to get more blood tests done and maybe even more scans. I kinda wish it was just something really easy, as long as it was curable. After he gets signed in we have to wait, its always like this at hospitals, and I'll probably wait outside if he wants me to. All we can do now is twiddle our thumbs and wait. Its a long one, gives me time to take in the ordinary bustle of human life in Sheffield 2019. All seems weird that everyone here is human, after everything I've seen it makes me sad that this is all most people are left with, its so boring, and tiring. No adventures, no chance to explore what is going on around us, no chance to find out about our pasts. Nothing to teach us about how we got here. No silly translational errors about avocados or king Richard III. Grahams number is called out and he goes up to the doctors office, feels weird saying that an not be talking about a time travelling alien, but I sit here, still waiting for him to come out with another disappointed look on his face.

About 20 minutes pass before he comes out again, only this time his face seems relieved. "appendicitis"

"is that the that we don't need, you don't need your appendix right?"

"no you don't, my pre-op check up in a weeks time, then I'll be in hospital for a week so make sure I'm fighting fit and ready for the op and ill be in after for a couple of days to make sure there wasn't anything wrong."

"aw man, thats Good. I'm happy there isn't anything worse, I mean its bad but not cancer returning you have days to live bad. And they must've caught it early."

"yeah" he pauses "i mean technically I have cancer to thank really, if I wasn't having regular checkups they never would've found it until maybe too late. Funny how life works out."

"does this mean no travelling in time and space for a while?"

"yeah, suppose it does, can't mess up my timing too bad."

"i'll stay with you, for the operation. I mean if the doctor is letting us join her again and not saying proper goodbyes or anything"

"nah you don't have to, I don't want to hold you back."

"no, I want to do this, nan would've wanted to be here for you. But she can't, so I will. You shouldn't be alone."

We hop on the bus in silence, occasional hellos from friends but nothing more. Just need to get home and sleep today off. Get myself ready for tomorrow to meet the doc again. 

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