chapter 4

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silhouette- Aquilo

(doctor POV)

I can't help but pace around whilst I wait for Yaz to come, I should've put a time on it so I wasn't waiting, anticipating the arrival of a girl who may not even come. Ugh. I check my watch again, the one I got specifically for checking to see if people are on time. It looks better than guessing, more official. What?! Only 6:30. It could be hours yet. All I can do for now is to watch the hands go around in circles. Maybe I can walk in circles. Ill take one step a second, I could be like the clock.

It's very dizzying walking in circles, and its starting to make me feel a bit nauseous. At least I think its that, it could be anxiety though, seem to be getting that more. All this internal monologuing is tiring, never had to think much before, wasn't really alone too much. Maybe I could have a custard cream, thought I would get bored of them by now but who am I kidding, I could live off these suckers. Maybe custard is the link, oh and the fez. Fezzes are indeed cool. I have to sit because my brain starts to ache with all this walking and thinking and stepping every second. I look to my watch once again. Ugh only 1 minute had passed. "I could swear I've walked round this more than once, maybe my steps were too big. Stop no, I know I can just sit down, ok so maybe coming this early was a bit too much. Yes. Yes I'll sit. Hey, you aren't as dizzy as me, I actually walked around in circles." The Tardis lowers the lights as response to my nonsensical rambling with her. She hates it when I keep talking to myself. Ok. "yaz then, do you think she's coming. No I am not stupid, I'm part of MENSA. Oh so you think I can't read emotions now. So is she coming???" Oh look, I've been arguing with her for a whole 30 minutes, maybe this is a good way of passing the time, only its not very constructive, couldve easily made another sonic by now, oooh I'll add that to the list. I walk to my room with a bounce in my step, so ready for the day ahead.

"aghhh" I wake up to the sound of the Tardis vworping at me. I handn't even realised I had fallen asleep, or that I was tired. I race to the console room to see what is up, and to check the time. 9:00 am 23rd August, 2019. I let out a sigh of relief that I hadn't managed to sleep through to the next day. I look up to the screen to see what my beautiful ship had been warning me about. "oh, you clever girl. Thank you" I go to hug her, realising that it would be impossible, especially with my short arms that I seemed to have acquired in the last regeneration. I wait to anticipate the knock on the door. I like that Yaz does this, she knows full well that she is always welcome but never pushes her way into things. The look on her face carried so much worry, and sadness that I cant help but run to open the door for her, even though she is yet to knock. As I get there, however, the TARDIS locks herself. "i know I should wait until she's ready but that does not mean you can look the doors on me. No. You are not doing this for my own good" I can't help but be frustrated with my ship, always stopping me from helping people, and I know I can't fix everything, but I can try to make people happy at least and it was very apparent to me that Yaz was not happy. Her face normally lights up the room, makes everyone else sure that whatever is going to come up will not be hard, and even if it is we will get through it. Her eyes are normally such a bright brown, so full of life and happiness. This is not my normal Yaz, she is sad and anxious. It seems as though everything about her has been replaced with an alternate her. I don't like this new Yaz. Well I do because I know that it is still her, just as the me who went through the time war is still me, and the one who couldn't save Rose was still me, I am still me know, just a changed me. The one thing every species has in common is that they change as they experience things, emotionally and physically. And at the moment Yaz is going through that change, she has become more aware, her emotional self is changing. I do hope this doesn't affect her too much. 

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