chapter 10

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(graham POV)

The Tardis appeared in front of Ryan and I slightly late, which is on time or the doc, it was only a couple minutes or so. No problem. I look to Ryan, giving him the nod before walking in to the spaceship. It feels wrong to have been gone for so long, and this feeling is only strengthened by stepping back in. I notice Yaz and the doctor are sitting at the sofa, comforting one another. I knew they had to talk things over, with everything that happened, and it seems they have caught up.

"you alright?" I hear from behind me, Ryan letting the others know we are here. He was just greeting them as he does anyone but the doctor looked up at us, eyes red and swollen from crying, Yaz's in a similar state, her gaze so full of sorrow and fear that, even though it was just a greeting, it set the both of them off. Neither Ryan or myself knew what to do so we kind of just stood there until one of them said something. We stayed there for a couple of minutes before anyone spoke again, and it was Yaz that broke the silence.

"tough day, sorry, ha its only early still I know. We just had to, you know, figure stuff out between us after, well you know." She says most of the directed at Ryan. I already knew what was going on. He just nods, and walks up to the doc, not quite knowing how to navigate the situation. He never has been good at physical communication, so he goes with a handshake of sorts, the one that goes into a hug. I can tell that the doc also isn't quite sure how to deal with it.

"i don't normally like hugs, you can't see their face, but, now anyway, I think I get them. I normally use them to break the ice myself. But they're, nice."

"i reckon we should talk, doc, you see"

"i've done a lot of talking, should we go somewhere?" She butts in, her face excited but also so tired.

"listen doc, it won't take long. Its just I can't go anywhere, no time travelling at all." She scrunches her face in disappointment. "it's nothing to do with you, doc, but I had a hospital checkup and see, if I go on another adventure it might mess up my timelines and stuff doc, and they need regular checkups. You see, we could go adventuring round sheffield, even go to London if you want, but its gonna have to be trains. No TARDIS I'm afraid"

She sighs, well it was more like a grunt, sort of. You just can't describe her sometimes. She goes up to the controls and starts talking to it, and I could swear she stroked it.

"welp, lets go exploring" she says, suddenly bursting into life.

A/N I know this is a very short chapter, I want to bring back a traditional doctor who villain, or a couple. Any ideas would be super helpful as I've hit a bit of a creative block. Sorry for any slow updates over the next couple of days <3  

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