chapter 14

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(yaz pov)

As we get to the TARDIS I do my best to stifle a yawn, yet my attempt doesn't work. The doctor realises and takes my hand, leading me straight into the TARDIS corridors.

"sorry for keeping you up, Yaz, its been a long day. I wanted to take you ice-skating but we can leave that for tomorrow."

"ice skating??" I question as I pull her to a stop "i have got to see that."

"no, it can wait. Please, just get to bed."

"uh uh, we are doing this, how do we get back to the console room."

The doctor reluctantly guides me through the TARDIS, only to stop in front of a large set of wooden double doors, a complete juxtaposition to the surrounding honeycomb corridor.

"this isn't the console room, and it certainly isn't my bedroom." I enquire as the doctor opens the doors in front of me. Behind them is the most marvellous room filled with snow, centred by a frozen lake. Fairy lights adorn the walls, giving the only light, making a calm and intimate ambience. I step in to take in the features, feeling the soft snow between my fingers, letting it melt slowly in my palm, forming small puddles on the ground which nearly freezes on contact. I start to feel the cold, shuddering at the realisation. Turning to tell the doctor I see her holding out matching rainbow gloves, scarf and hat. Similar to hers but not identical.

I step into the room, snow crunching beneath me, and I hear the doctor's own feet flattening the snow as she follows me in.

"i love it. Doc. I mean I really , really love it. I just-"

"so, do you want some skates", she says, pointing to a gorgeous pair of white sparkling skates, nothing like the ones you'd get at a public ice rink, more like a professional's, and ice dancer's shoes. She brings out her own, leather brown pair, giggling about the fact that they are pretty similar to the shoes she is currently wearing.


"well. You know the couple of nights I spent at grahams. I had an idea of things to do whilst they were gone. And I saw the photos of you when you was younger. And there was one where you was so happy, wrapped up in a cute red coat with a white scarf and matching hat and gloves. You're smile bigger than I have ever seen before. Skating around the rink. i. Ummm. Before I went to yours each night I would come here, to my TARDIS, and build a bit more of it, I added to it each day. Don't worry though, it wasn't too much trouble, I just asked my girl to add another room, or at least guide me to one, and turn the climatiser down to about -2 degrees celsuis. The snow was the harder part but we got it sorted out. Then we just flooded a small area for the rink, it. It really wasn't too much hassle. But I still would've done it if it had been. For you. I... ummm... hope you like it."

Her eyes had lowered to the floor during the course of the speech, the way she does when she explains things, and how I love the way se does it. Like it is nothing. But it isn't nothing.

"you did this all for me?"

"well. Yeah. Yaz. I would do most things. Nope scratch that. I would do anything for you Yaz."

Just then, snow starts to form from the ceiling. We walk to the bench to get our shoes on. Its just an old wooden bench, like one you would get in the park, but as I run my hands over it I feel something engraved in the carefully sanded planks. A small heart. Not a love heart, but an actual human heart, carved gently and expertly into the wood. Before I could ask the doctor about it, I see she has gone onto the ice, stumbling slightly but staying on her feet. Just. I join her, skating up to where she stands.

"i... I might need your help." She says, quietly and slowly. Obviously not wanting to admit that she may not be able to skate.

"ok. Take my hand." I say, offering my own up. "ill hold you up, or if you really badly stumble you can drag me down too." I wait for her to follow my instructions. "so start by trying to walk a little, find your balance. Once you're comfortable with that, push off from one foot, putting all of your weight on the other, and allowing yourself to glide." She follows my every word, trying each step. In no time she is on the floor, and I fall on top her. My face hovering over hers and we both collapse into laughter.

"it's alright doc, you'll get it."

"ok, but. Well.. I cant get up."

"let me help" I say as my hands slip and she stops me from falling straight onto her by gripping and holding up my waist. My face even closer than it was before, so I can feel her warm breath, each one so deep. Neither of us moving. Her eyes not sure where to look, flicking between my face and our surroundings. My brown eyes looking into her beautifully hazel ones. Making contact before losing it again, flicking don to my lips. I look down to hers, as if I was just copying her movements. I wonder if we are thinking the same, both of us laying here still, the only movement coming from our eyes. Her lips soft and rosy as she sneaks her tongue out a little to stop them from drying. Leaning her face closer to me and I am so sure she can feel my heart beat speeding up, as I can feel hers before we crash our lips together, moving against one another awkwardly before we find our pattern. Her lips soft and gentle, mine taking charge with loving aggression, hungry for the feeling she is giving me. I bite her lower lip, causing her to moan in pleasure before we pull apart, breathless.

"that was..."

"so good. Kissing yaz. Amazing."

"i really like you doc, as more than a friend."

"i could tell. I've had a friend kiss and that was not one of them."

I laugh as she brings her face up closer to me, meeting our lips together, more controlled this time, moving with each others movements, savouring each other in this moment. Warming each other up enough to forget we are fallen on an ice rink. 

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