Chapter One - Birth of a Panther

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I don't own the Marvel Universe. If I did I really wouldn't know what to do with it.

Ages of some mentioned characters in this chapter:

Azuka - 0

Eric, Ayo and Nakia - 9

T'Challa, Okoye and W'Kabi - 10

People speaking - "I am Groot"

People thinking - 'I am Groot'

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking - "I am Groot"

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods thinking - 'I am Groot'


Wakandan Main Hospital, Wakanda, 16th of May, 1994

A shaman of the Panther Clan called Zuri, son of Badu, paced outside the doors of a hospital room listening to the birth of his first and possibly only child from his wife, Nceba Krause. He had never thought that he would one day be a father.

He first met Nceba in South Africa during a mission. She was a kind and good woman and a tailor that helped the poor and needy when she could. When he married Nceba in her country and stayed there, it was for love and a year into their marriage revealed by the doctors that Nceba could not get pregnant without risks. Her womb was underdeveloped and having a baby might kill her. He had accepted that fact, knowing that he couldn't tell her about the medical advancements of Wakanda yet without permission from the council. So he encouraged his wife to take birth control pills and also look at options for adopting.

Afterwards, he was assigned on a three-year mission to spy on N'Jobu because he became AWOL for some reason. Then the attack on the borders of Wakanda and the stolen vibranium and N'Jobu trusting him about his part in it lead to the death of N'Jobu and the abandonment of N'Jadaka by his own brother.

Upon coming back home with a guilty heart, it led him to needing comfort from his wife. She let him, unintentionally forgetting that she hadn't taken her birth control which later led to her current situation. Pregnant with a baby girl, she absolutely refused to get rid of the baby. That led him to inform the king about his wife's pregnancy and finally getting her citizenship within Wakanda.

The councilmen ...and women were skeptical about a foreigner coming to their country, a tainted one at that considering Nceba was of Xhosa and German descent, but on getting a thorough background check on the woman, they happily accepting her. That had shocked him and the king who had on a guilty and regretful expression on his face. He was obviously thinking about his lost nephew.

It was four months into the pregnancy when Nceba had taken only her clothes and family mementos before selling the rest and giving it to charity before their departure to Wakanda. She almost had a miscarriage the day after she arrived. The doctors had placed her under observation and were scheduling an immediate operation to develop her womb when the nurses assigned to her gave the news of her sudden improvement.

The miraculous recovery of Nceba and her child was told to the king who informed various parties that needed to be told. Her womb had developed and the pregnancy was no more fatal, all without the help of extensive vibranium treatments. She might actually survive and raise the child. Nceba went to Bast's temple to give a prayer of thanks for the miracle. Glory to Bast!!

Here he was now, listening to the cries of his baby when one of the midwives called him into his wife's room. There in her arms was a lovely baby girl. With the cutest chubby cheeks and her cries that slowly dwindled as Nceba slowly rocked her. He almost cried in sheer fulfillment at the scene, walking towards his wife. Planting a kiss on his tired wife's head, he carried his child away from her mother's weak arms as he gazed into her face, "Your name my daughter, shall be Azuka in honor of my late mother. You will be my joy, *Omncinci."

He handed the baby to one of the midwives to register her into the database as a Wakandian citizen. "Nceba my love, she is precious. She has your skin colour", he said with a proud smile as he held his wife's hands.

"I know, Zuri. I feel it deep within my heart that things will change with little Azuka being here", she smiled to him. "I believe so too. She is blessed by Bast to have lived when all said she will not. She is a miracle."

He held her hand as she slowly slumbered, their daughter in the crib next to the bed. He stared at his child as he spoke, "You are Azuka, daughter of Zuri and the newest member of the Panther Tribe".

The next day, Wakandan Main Hospital

T'Chaka, the king, and his wife visited Zuri and the family. T'Chaka, his good friend, had accepted the role of becoming Azuka's godfather and Ramonda, the role of godmother. It was a little disappointing that T'Challa wasn't here to see his godsister since was at the Hekima Shule (Academy).

A few days passed and the family was released from the hospital only to end up in celebration by the tribe for the newborn. Everything was going well for them, nothing could change that.

Same day, Kamar-Taj, Nepal

From afar, the Ancient One watched the baby in the arms of her mother and knew she was never to exist in this world. Her presence destroyed all the possible futures and created new ones that she saw from the Eye of Agamotto.

"Master Hamir?" asked the Ancient One to the man sitting by her right. "Yes, Ancient One", he answered back. "Everything that I know of the universe is about to change, because of just one anomaly. I am left to decide if I should leave it as it is or cultivate that change for the better".

"What do you mean?" he asked. "A child, Hamir, was born to this world and nothing could prepare me for her arrival for she was not to exist in any possible futures and with it comes change".

"Will the child be a danger?" he asked in concern. "No, she will never but she will need to learn control". "Then all I can say is to wait. When she is ready and needs help, we will be there. The rest is up to fate".

Silence filled the air as the Ancient One decided. "I believe you are right, but I also need help. Her potential is too great for me to handle alone". She stood from her meditative stance, dismissing Master Hamir from her presence in the now empty training ground. Opening a portal to a desert, she stared at the sky and called out, "Heimdall".

She was gone. The imprint of her disappearance was covered up by the desert sand.


This is it. The big on... err I mean the first chapter 😁😁. Do enjoy... Pls do comment ✌️✌️✌️...

*Omncinci - means Little One.

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