Chapter Twelve - The woes of a Reluctant Princess

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Azuka's POV

The sheer disbelief on everyone's face when I said that was priceless. What the hell were they expecting? For me to kneel over in pain and ask for my mother or were they expecting I say something omnipotent. Hah! Fat chance for that.

Their shock didn't stay long when mama launched herself at me, taking me in a tight embrace as she kneeled then cried on my shoulder. Baba joined us in our embrace. No one wanted to stop a family reunion so they all remained silent.

They both let go of me after a while, trying to stem the flow of their tears.

"Azuka, my daughter, thank Bast that you are awake." My mother said as she caressed my face, a smile bloomed on hers, before she smacked my head in anger, "Next time, don't go on your own. You almost died. Look how worried you made us feel. Next time, you'll call me every hour to check on your whereabouts."

She then proceeded to start listing her rules and regulations much to my annoyance and my audience's amusement.


I turned to the voice, "Baba?"

"Next time, tell us when you have problems. It's better to nip it in the bud than for it to sprout with thorns."

Everyone except Azuka winced at the cold edge in his voice and the subtle message at my bullies, especially T'Challa and Nakia.

"Sorry baba, for worrying you."

"T'Chaka and his queen came closer. They were relieved and happy about my recovery.

"Azuka, you are well now." I smiled at him before walking up to him to give him a hug when he knelt down to my eye level. His tensed body relaxed as he savored the hug, I just wanted to burst the happy bubble he created for himself.

"Godfather, Uncle N'Jobu forgives you, he just hopes that you forgive him too", I whispered in his ear before letting go to hug the queen. I was satisfied with the fact that I left THE BLACK PANTHER stumped.

I now had to acknowledge the audience before me as I also wondered why there was one in the first place.

'They are here for your ascension. You are now unofficially a Royal Princess of Wakanda to the country and my heir to the people in this room.'

I didn't even flinch from Bast's voice in my head. All I could think of was, 'Just great, more haters for me.' Then I realized that T'Challa had fans, now so will I, 'No!!! No fan-boys.'

I was careful not to display my thoughts on my face as I walked towards the Tribal heads as Bast guided me on what to do. They all stood in a semi-circle. Their heirs were a few feet directly behind them as they stared at me, trying to decipher me like a puzzle, not knowing that I observed them as well.

M'Kathu, the Border Head, was a stoic yet dutiful man. He seemed resigned and nervous at the moment when I approached him. He also seemed curious about me as his eyes judged me of see my worthiness. He bowed and greeted me, "My princess". I nodded in acceptance to his greeting with a smile as I passed him.

Hodari, the River Head, was a kind and laid back man. He seemed content with it all but there was a bit of worry in his eyes. Probably from the fate of his daughter if that is who I see on the platform behind him. He greeted me and accepted it.

Khanyiswa, the Mining Head, was a lively woman. She had no time for anything negative and just went with the flow. Right now, she seemed restrained, probably because she wanted to hug me tight. She always did that when we meet, telling me that I'm the most adorable thing in the world before she decides to finally ship me with her son and heir.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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