Chapter Three - Truths and Watchers

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People speaking – "I am the Black Panther"

People thinking – 'More like a glorified kitty cat'

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking – "How dare you say such sacrilege!?"

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking – 'Did I say that out loud?' 


Border province

Here we see T'Challa, Nakia and W'Kabi having a minor spat between them in a secluded area. Well, being specific, we have Nakia ranting about Azuka, T'Challa trying and failing miserably to calm her down and W'Kabi stared at them with both amusement and exasperation.

"I have never been so humiliated in my life", shouted a furious Nakia as she paced back and forth.

W'Kabi just had to say something to piss her off more, "I don't see why you are so angry. It's your fault that you got in trouble." T'Challa internally agreed.

Nakia just faced him and shouted, "Just shut up!!! If that brat had blatantly bumped into me with her high and mighty attitude, I wouldn't be in this mess." W'Kabi stared at Nakia incredulously as he thought, 'High and mighty? Is she delusional?'

T'Challa spoke in concern, "Do not mind my godsister. It is best that you put her out of your mind and let her be. She is just a kid." Nakia stewed and stared at T'Challa as his kimoyo beans rang out. He answered the call of his father and said his goodbyes.

Nakia quickly faced the young border tribesman and said with conviction, "You will help me get back at that girl, W'Kabi." 

Said man stared at her in disbelief, "Really? You want me to get back at a girl half your age for a self-perceived slight on your image." He snorted and continued, "The only reason you hate that girl is because she took your 'title' away from you so quickly. The 'Jewel of Wakanda', you were once called before her birth and growth."

He rested back on the boulder behind him as he continued to speak to the ever growing angry river heiress, "Even I can see that she will be much more beautiful than you and you hate it. I never knew you could be so vain."

Nakia finally snapped, "I am not vain and I will never be jealous of a half-breed like her" "No? So the fact that everyone already calls you the future queen and with how our dear prince follows you around like a lost puppy is not satisfying your ego?" 

She screamed I frustration as she grabbed the nearest rock and hurled it at W'Kabi's head that dodged swiftly, "I am not jealous of that little insignificant bug." He smirked, "Then why don't you leave her alone. She is not a threat to you and do leave me out of any plans you have for her when you obviously don't listen to my advice."

He waved mockingly in a goodbye as he left her to her tantrums. Knowing her, she would drag T'Challa in with her into the same fire she will create.

Nakia didn't stay long before she went back to the River province for her daily training routine. She really needed to punch something.

Throne room, Birnin Zana, Wakanda's Capital

T'Challa quickly entered the throne room greeting his father's Dora Milage in the normal wakandan style before bowing to his father sitting in his throne. "Baba, I am here." 

"Obviously", the king deadpanned at him. Ouch!! The sarcasm is strong in this one. "It is been a while since we last talked given that I have been busy with so many project all across Wakanda. That is why you will join me with a new project tomorrow."

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