Chapter Eight - Of Trials and Decisions Pt. 1

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People speaking - "It's Captain America!!!"

People thinking - 'The Ultimate Patriot'

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking - "Happy New Year, America"

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods thinking - 'Yep. A walking flag'


Ancestral Plane

Once again, Azuka found herself sink into a body of liquid. She had panicked at first but managed to calm herself when she noticed her lack of drowning. It felt like the water was ordinary air but still fluid.

Obeying the goddess' instruction, she swam to the light to finally see what it was only to see the most beautiful gem she had ever seen. It looked like a diamond cut to perfection, tear drop in shape that glowed with a grey energy within it. It thrummed to the rhythm of her heartbeat, in complete perfect sync.

 It thrummed to the rhythm of her heartbeat, in complete perfect sync

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She could feel it. A sense of calm euphoria and extreme happiness she felt as she reached out to touch it. As contact was made, it glowed brighter surrounding her in its aura and power before being pulled away. She almost blacked out from the experience.

Quickly regaining composure, she noticed her surrounding had changed. Gone was the lake as she found herself in front of a rundown apartment complex that she had seen in foreign films. She looked around noticing kids her age playing behind her on a basketball court. The people walk on the sidewalk phased through her like she was a ghost to them.

'This isn't real', she thought as a gut feeling guided her towards the steps, into the building. Inside, the steps glowed like a beacon leading her to an apartment floor. She walked the hallway and saw the figures that guarded a door.

'Dora Milajes?' she questioned to herself in confusion. Curious, she walked to the door, knowing that they couldn't see her. She wondered on how she would enter as she tried to grab on to the handle of the door only to phase through. With relief she walked through completely and came to see three familiar men in the living room. Two, she knew personally.

She saw a much younger version of her godfather, in his panther suit, standing opposite a man she had only seen in pictures, her father standing by his side just slightly behind him.

Azuka snorted at her father and godfather youthful appearance. It was clear to her that the years didn't do well for them or their pot-bellies.

She walked towards them to listen much closely at what the king was saying.

"Umfowabo, there has been an attack. This man", T'Chaka said sternly as he clicked on a bead on his wrist to bring out a hologram of a man, "Ulysses Klaue, stole a quarter ton of vibranium from us and triggered a bomb at the border to escape. Many lives were lost." Turning off the hologram, he walked away slowly from his brother as he continued on, "He knew where we hid the vibranium and how to strike. He had someone on the inside."

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