Chapter Eleven - Of Trials and Decisions Pt.4

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People speaking – "It's time for you to stop, Hulk"

People thinking – 'Huh, flag? Plate? Hulk smash!!!'

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking – "Shhhiiittt!!!"

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods thinking – 'Plate strong.'

(Kudos to the person who can understand the above short story...)


Back to Azuka's POV

"Fuck no!!"

I could see the surprise in the white woman's face. She really wasn't expecting that reply.

"Do you hear yourself? I should save humanity? Fuck humanity, I'm more concerned about my family and friends whose only sin is to be born on this planet. We are naïve, self-absorbed, greedy and jealous beings.

"I am selfish and I do not deny that. I could care less about humanity as a whole for as you say, we'll bring about our own destruction because of our ignorance. But I am not ignorant.

"I've seen humanity in their deepest low, their envy, greed and bias taking over them when they see things that they cannot have. What do they do? They hunt it down, try to enslave and when they cannot, they destroy it."

I remember what the visions showed me about the capture, enslaving and execution of mutants and enhanced humans that had no choice in the gifts that they were born or given with by mankind.

"It is that same humanity that you want me to save knowing full well that the same humanity will stab me in the back when it benefits them or turn a blind eye to injustice when it doesn't personally affect them."

I remember when mankind turned their backs on their heroes for things that weren't their fault. The same things that mankind themselves weren't willing to solve on their own.

"I have no intention of holding humanity's hand like it's a child for they need to see the bigger picture. If I have to lie, steal, blackmail, manipulate or ...even kill, I will do it to ensure that those I care about are safe.

"Fortunately for humanity, they can get in the line behind my goals. I will attend to them along the way."

I had stopped talking, mumbling under my breath about the gall of this chick.

"BWAHAHAHA!!!" Someone broke down laughing beside us. Our dear Bast, dressed in her traditional attire, was rolling on the floor in laughter.

We deadpanned at the laughing goddess as she tried to pull herself together.

"Are you done?" asked the Ancient Chick.

"Yeah, I'm done", she got up from the floor, immaculate as ever. "Do you know, Azuka, how many Enye Wambusisa like you I have tested? Some never pass the first trial and some manage to reach the second but never has anyone passed the third stage.

"I gave them a speech that humanity is at risk and if they will be my champion to save it. All of them just jump at the chance to be the chosen one. All of them had their reasons. Some wanted to be the hero without thinking of what they stand to lose in the process, some wanted to cement their name in history and some started having increased egos. All were influenced by the people around them."

I watched her roll her eyes before she smirked, "You should have seen the looks on their when I rejected them. I then erased their memories about the trials before kicking them out of the Plane."

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