Chapter Nine - Of Trials and Decisions Pt. 2

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People speaking - "It's Captain America!!!"

People thinking - 'The Ultimate Patriot'

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking - "Happy New Year, America"

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods thinking - 'Yep. A walking flag'


A vase was thrown at the head of a king called T'Chaka. His attacker was a familiar, fiery and furious opponent that has every intention of putting him down, his wife.

"You're an idiot!!! How could you do this to our only son? You gave into the demands of that caveman so easily. What are you, his whooping boy!?" screeched out a furious Queen Ramonda. Her hair undone and wild as she continued on throwing stuffs at her idiot husband.

Said husband was too busy dodging his wife's surprisingly accurate attacks on his person, in particular his head. He was still wondering how she seemed to not have run out of things to throw at him. Every second, left the king in bewilderment as he saw knives, forks and plates among the items which was weird since they were in their bedroom.

"Will you stop this at once, Ramonda!? You and I both know that there was no other way that our imbecile of a son would've gotten away scot free from his crimes." She stopped her attack on her husband and suddenly burst into fresh tears.

Her husband still tried to convince his wife of his actions, "If I had chosen that he goes through public trial, he would have gone to prison whether or not she was alive or not. The only difference is that one sentence would've been lesser than the other."

"Don't you think I don't know that?" she screamed. "It would've been better if he was still in Wakanda. If Azuka dies, my son will be banished permanently and that caveman will have every opportunity to terminate him just to spite us and he will get away with it."

"That is not likely. The doctors tell me her condition will not lead to her death but they do not know when she will awaken from her coma", he said softly.

That brought relief to Ramonda's mind as she sat on their bed contemplating it all. T'Chaka was quick to her side, hugging her to himself.

"That is why I chose that option in the first place. We have the best doctors in the world that will ensure that she will come out of it in good condition", he said as she stared at his face. "I do hope so. She is my goddaughter and I pray for her wellbeing. I also ask myself, what if she doesn't come out of her coma. I cannot bare the guilt as to what T'Challa's actions may have caused to Zuri and Nceba."

He looked away and sighed, "Then I will have no other choice. The tribe shall have two Black Panthers instead of one."

That stumped Ramonda, "You will give her the heart-shaped herb? She is not a direct bloodline. Won't there be problems with the council if you proceed with it?"

Her husband dismissed her worries, "The moment I became her godfather, she was made a successor to the throne. If anything were to happen to you, me or any of our children, she would be the next in line to the throne. These are the laws of our tribe. Not many know or remember this since it has never been in effect."

That confused Ramonda, "What about T'San? He is your direct cousin." "To be the head priest of Bast and Bast's voice to our country, T'San must give up any title or things that will hold him back. His total devotion is to Bast alone."

Ramonda nodded in understanding. She was much calmer and level-headed than before. She then realized something, "That reminds me, what did T'San come to see you for?"

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