Chapter Seven - A regretful explanation

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Peoplespeaking – "It's Captain America!!!"

Peoplethinking – 'The Ultimate Patriot'

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods speaking – "Merry Christmas, America"

Celestials/Cosmic Entities/gods thinking – 'Yep. A walking flag'


Bast's temple, Panther District

Deep within the temple of Bast, a man meditated to the quietness of an empty temple,surround by countless statues and ornament in the image of his goddess. Onewould wonder why he did such a thing. It was inevitable as his role of the HeadPriest, the most devote follower to Bast.

He fell in a deep trance as he wondered about the changes that he could feel occur. It was then that he felt a presence within the temple, a familiar one.

"My goddess, welcome to your temple", as he kneeled from his Indian pose, his head to the floor.

"How many times do I tell you, T'San, not to bow to me? I find it highly annoying or do you intentionally do it to annoy me", said a presence right at the altar. Its presence was huge but intangible like a ghost. A panther was here.

Said man suppressed a smirk as he sat up. He might not have succeeded since Lady Bast seemed to be glaring at him.

She scoffed as she turned her head away from him, "You're lucky that I like you mortal or you would have been smite for your insolence." T'San just kept on grinning, "I love you too, goddess."

She kept on muttering about cheeky priest and how annoying they are as she swung her tail at his body. It fazed through like always but let a cold feeling in the priest body that made him squeak for a while. She couldn't help but laugh as he watched him grumbled about overgrown and overpowered house cats.

T'San had to remind the panther as to why she was here in the first place. Suddenly, she was serious and that made the priest tense, "I have chosen, T'San. Take the box to the king and inform him of what is to be."

"Really? The person passed your tests, Lady Bast. Who is it?" She smirked as she faded away. Her last words were, "She will and you will know who it is when you get there. I made sure of it."

T'San was alone as he contemplated the news. He was elated about Bast finally choosing but he was annoyed also, 'Why can't gods just give a straight answer? Must they always be so vague and mysterious like 'my chosen is this person' but no it has to be 'you must find out for yourself'.' 

He left the temple for the hassle that is his job. Did he ever mention that his job was also being Bast's messenger boy? Oh sorry, my mistake.

Wakandan Medical Center

"I am sorry to say this but your daughter is currently is in a coma and it has yet to be determined when she would awaken from it. She is surprisingly physically okay but her nervous system is in a bit of a trauma because of the electric shock. She will be in observation throughout her stay here. Please excuse me", said the doctor in charge of Azuka's care. 

He left the grieving family to the news of their child. Okoye did as much as she could to console Nceba without her falling into a pitiful mess herself. The same could be said for Zuri.

It wasn't too long before Zuri received a missive from the king's palace summoning not just him but also Nceba and Okoye. His wife did not want to leave their daughter alone but they had to leave in order to find out what the king wanted and answers they needed to the questions that plagued their minds.

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