Dirty rain

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Meanwhile the family Soydere preparing for a child examination, which included vaccination.

"Kemal help me with Deniz.She doesn't want to get up."

"Deniz look what I have for you."He showed her a Barbie doll with 35 different clothes.

"Give me!"

"You get it.When we come out of a medical examination."

In 34 minutes they just barely got into the car.

"We definitely missed."Was worried Nihan.

"Calm down darling,we will definitely be timely."

"I'm guilty?"Asked Deniz with tears in her eyes and cutie look.

"No, sweetheart.It's okay."

"I'll get a doll, daddy?"

"We'll see how good you are."

"We finally arrived."

They took the kids and went to the entrance.

"Deniz walk, we'll be late."

"I don't care.Fuck of!"

"What did you say?"

"Nice word."

"This isn't a good word.Who the hell did you say that?"

"My aunt husband."

"Your aunt hasn't husband.Do you men, perhaps Vilan?He is a supposed to be her husband."

"No,not him.Who he is?"

"No relevant."

"He's not, another man."

"You mean Emir."


"I'll hurt him because he taught you a bad word.Come on now."

While Kemal and Deniz argued.Ninan and Nisa already finished.

"We ended up.Now , you're on the top of it,heart."

"Why?!Why?!"She shook and shouted and cried.

"Calm down."Kemal comforned her.

The doctor became impatient.

"I've got a lot of patients.Hurry up."

"Excuse me."apologized Kemal

"It's okay.you can come next time."

When they came home,Nihan was crazy.

"I can't believe!Why couldn't you persuade her to not be afraid?What you're talked about it all the time?"

"We argued for a saying a bad word."

"And that lasted so long?"

"No,just while we were waiting we went around."

"Where is my doll?"

"In store,you weren't good."

Deniz was crying.

"I hate you,dad!!!!"

Meanwhile Banu and Tarik with Arıf went for a walk along the beach.

"Where do you have a hat,son?"

"Take it easy.The summer is.It's almost 34 degrees of heat."Tarik told her.

"What if it's cold?"Banu was worried.

"It will not be."

"Okay,but if it's your fault."

"Okay, good then."

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