Chapter 1

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I sat in the chair, my hands handcuffed in front of me. I heaved a sigh as I looked at the photos splayed across the small table in front of me. Pictures of a woman, that woman. Blood covering her entire body, her limbs bent in an unnatural way, her eyes still open. I turned my head away, unable to look anymore.

"Pictures of your handiwork." A man said as he walked into the room. I looked over to him. He was tall with a very dark complexion, wearing a charcoal black suit. He shut the door behind him before walking over to the table. He pulled out the chair that was across from me and sat down. He looked at the pictures, his face impassive. "Hmm, such a tragedy. She was a nice woman. Her name was Agatha Lee. Only 46 years old, a son who just became a cop actually, a loving husband, tons of money." He looked back up to me. "All of that, poof... gone. It all vansihed the minute you chose to shoot the gun, as did your chances of ever being a free woman again." 

I stared at the man, determined to show him that his words didnt affect me. "Look Mr..." 


"Mr. Bryant, I didnt shoot that gun." I said. 

"Oh really? Well then please enlighten me Ms.Greene. Who did shoot it?" 

I remained silent as my thoughts traveled back to that night. 

Taylor, the head of the gang, had told us about some rich woman he had been scoping out for the past few days. He told us that he wanted to hit up her house, as she was bound to have a loads of money and shit that we could take. Cameron, one of his right hand men, decided that he wanted to do this mission. I volunteered to join him, as I haven't gone out and done a job in a few weeks. Plus I was starving and I didnt have a cent to buy any food. I figured I could easily raid this lady's refridgerator and take whatever I wanted. 

Cameron and I drove to the the woman's mansion, parking in her driveway. Before getting out, Cameron slipped a gun into the back of his pants. I stared at him, as if asking why are you going to need that. He ignored me, and got out of the car, walking over to the side of the house. He picked up a large rock, preparing to throw it at the window when I stopped him. There was no doubt in my mind that with a big house like this there was an alarm system. I walked over to the window and peeked in. It seemed no one was home, there were no lights on. 

I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and kneeled down in front of the door. I pushed it into the lock, wriggling it around until I heard a click. I stood up and pulled the door open, no alarm going off. I smirked at Cameron before walking into the house, him following behind me. 

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as I looked around. We seemed to have walked into the living room, and it was huge. Huge may not have been the right word. It was gigantic. A large flat screen television sat on the wall above a fireplace, two smaller televisions on the side of it. There was a large U shaped couch and a small glass coffee table. Dozens of small ornaments and decorations surrounded the room. 

"Shit, how are we going to be able to carry those tvs?" Cameron said. 

I shook my head, "I dont know. Maybe we should just settle on the little stuff." 

"Alright, I'm gonna go upstairs. You look around down here. Grab as much stuff as you can." 

I nodded my head to him, turning and walking into the next room, which was the kitchen and he dissapeared upstairs. 

"What the fuck?" I said as I looked at the plasma tv that sat on the large granite kitchen counter. Who needs a television in their kitchen? I mean you have three in the living room. I barely had one working tv in my house when I was growing up and these people have four. And I've only seen two rooms. There's no telling how many more they have. 

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