chapter seven.

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Sara's steps echoed around Tony Stark's room, her finger blazing with an odd dark purple color instead of her usual black. It was a recent development that she had just found out about a few hours ago. She guessed that her new sense of freedom let her powers reign free without her will holding it back.

It was the advancement in her powers that let her pinpoint every single person using their own pain, whether it was mental or physical (if she was lucky, it was both). The entire Stark Tower had been emptied out a few moments before they had arrived which led her to believe Stark had figured out their plan. She didn't warn Loki. While she was grateful for this new enlightening, she found herself always disagreeing with his orders. For a god of mischief, he sure let his negative emotions dictate a lot of his actions.

So, while the entire tower had been emptied out, Sara had felt delicious pain straight from Tony Stark's room, or more specifically his closet. It was so interesting because who would have access to Stark's room and refused to leave when everyone else evacuated.

"I know you're in there," Sara spoke aloud. She turned to face the closet, and raised a right hand. Her powers slithered out of her fingertips and slowly curled itself around the closet handles. "Let's not make this harder than it needs to be. You come out, cry and beg for your life, and then I take you to my oh-so-humble leader." The sarcastic lit was something she didn't use as freely in her tied up life. Another miracle she will thank Loki for.

The closet doors flew open and out raced an Asian boy around her age. He threw his hands up in the air, and Sara only had a second to throw up a shield in front of her as multiple objects in Stark's room came flying at her. She sneered. Someone powered like her then? In Stark's room?

She swiped her right hand upward and the boy flew into the wall with a grunt. Then another figure raced out of the closet. An Asian woman rushed towards the boy's form, "Junyoung!" Sara tilted her head. A Korean mother and son?

Not one for dramatics, Sara flicked out both her wrists and watched her powers hold the two up against the wall, arms and legs spread out. "What is a boy and his mommy doing in Stark's closet, huh?"

The pair glared at her, lips pursed in a similar fashion. Tough cookies, huh? Sara smirked, accepting the challenge. She started to form a fist with her left hand, relishing in Junyoung's face as it contorted in pain. He clenched his jaw and refused to scream. A pity.

The mother's face scrunched up in fear for her son as he began to gasp in pain. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be," Sara cooed. "I promise you, I'm much kinder than Loki."

"Loki?" The woman gasped out. "Like the Norse god?"

Sara didn't reply, just continued to watch the pair. She couldn't understand just who these people were. Wasn't Stark in a relationship with that blonde chick? It was what the media had gossiped about for months. Was this maybe a secret son of his and his mistress?

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