chapter thirteen.

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Sara, get up!

She tumbled out of bed, her limbs flailing around her in surprise. Her heart raced, beating harshly against her chest. She blinked around her room, noting the closed drapes and the empty room. How early was it and why was Loki waking her?

Get up, get up! Put on that outfit Thor gave you for Vanaheim, it will aid you better than all those dresses.

Sara noted the urgency in Loki's tone, something that wasn't common with him. Usually he was calm and collected, so the tone of voice only made her worry more. Not wasting any time, Sara went to her wardrobe and dug deep into the back to pull out the outfit Thor had gifted her. She hopped around the room, looking for something to tie her hair with and groaned when she came up empty handed. "I swear if someone pulls my hair..."


Sara rolled her eyes at the bossy god's words but rushed out of the room. Her hair flowed behind her as she ran down the hall, the sound of alarms suddenly reaching her hearing. Loki, what's going on?

Prisoners have escaped. I don't think this is a simple escape, however.

Sara couldn't help but agree, remembering about that annoying energy surge from last night. Her lips pulled back in a snarl as she remembered what Karnilla had done to her as well. She would remember that.

She stumbled to a stop as soldiers marched before her, their faces carefully blank. She chewed her bottom lip, wondering who she should look for. Thor? The sorceresses? Frigga? What exactly had she missed?


Despite the nickname, Sara almost sighed in relief at the sight of Sif. Her face was set in determination and she eyed Sara, impressed at the girl's choice of clothing. "Sif, what's happening?"

"Prisoners are attempting to escape. Nothing but a skirmish."

Sara shifted on her feet. Loki would not be tense because of a simple skirmish. "Where's Thor?"

Sif nodded towards the soldiers that have already made their way down the hall. "In the dungeons, taking care of the escapees. I fear you are not allowed near them."

Sif watched as the girl's face became upset, feeling sympathy for the girl who could do nothing but watch. She turned, and remembered the Queen unprotected before turning back to Sara. "The Queen was left unprotected, if it makes you feel better, you can go and accompany her."

Sara straightened up, a small smirk on her face. "Of course." She patted Sif's biceps. "Good luck." She jogged passed the woman warrior and towards where she came from. She raced between soldiers, keeping an eye out for the beautiful queen.

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