Chapter 28

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You wake up in the morning Lukes no where to be found. You wearing nothing but you bra and Lukes American aparell underwear. You cant find your clothes so you go thru Lukes draw for a shirt you find a Nirvana shirt long enough so you put it on as you looking in the mirror you see you hickey covered body. You cring at the sight you decide you'll cover them up when you find your clothes. You head downs stairs and surprised with a group on friends on the couch. "Hey look who's up." Micheal says. "Heyy... what are you guys doing here" you slowly say positioning your hair to cover most of your hickeys. "Why are you wearing Lukes shirt?." Ashton asks. "Because… my pajama shirt has hair dye on it." You say.  Gretchen gets up and walk towards you."we both know what happenened last night lucky for you the rest of our friends are not very smart its a matter of time before beth finds out and wants to know every detail with her pervish ways." She said. She went to go sit back down. "/Y/N/what's that on your arm." Micheal asked. "Ohh I hit my arm yesterday and it left a bruise." You said rubbing your arm. "My frickle frackle senses are tingling" calum says. "Shut up" Luke says hitting him. Luke gets up and turns around to walk to you.

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