Chapter 31

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After that you were about to talk to them but was interrupted by Jeff walking over to the lunch table. "/Y/N/ can I talk to you please" his voice sounding unsure. You look over to him with a are you serious look. "Just please can we talk give me a chance." He says. "Jeff I gave you more than one chance I gave you 3. I cant believe I though you loved me when all you do is cheat on me." You say. "/Y/N/ I do love you I just… I… I don't know why I cheated I was so stupid." He said. "You say that all the time and then around and do the same thing. Just tell me how long this has been going on and just please tell the truth." You say. "Its been going on 3 months Just please take me back I love you more than anything please take me back I love you." He begs. "3 Months that's like half of are realationship are you kidding me. You had more than enough time to stop it were done and that's that if you love me you'll except that and leave me alone." You say. "Just please I love you." He says. "guys I'm gonna go just don't look for me I need some time to calm down."

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