Chapter 34

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You head back upstairs after Luke leaves. Your in your room laying in your bed as your mom enters the room.She goes over to your bed "Y/N/ you better like Luke and not just be using him for sex" your mom blantantly said sitting on the edge of your bed. "I do like him." You said defencely. " ok I'm just making sure my daughter isn't a sex addict." She said. "Mom I like Luke in just not sure if her likes me back." You say.She laughed for a couple minutes then calmed down."sweetie trust me he loves you if he can put up with all your bullshit and even I cant do that and I'm your mother" she says truthfully. "and don't worry I wont tell your father as long as you clean your room along with the rest of the house this weekend." She said walking out. Leaving you dumb founded and thinking wtf did I just got myself into.

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