Chapter 3: The Bad News

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I love the way Megatron laugh though. It's really make me laugh so hard too😂😂😂. Anyway, you guys just continue read this Chapter 3.


At The Autobot Base
After Knockout healing Starscream, he went away from the abandoned  buildings. He went to the hospital, checking if there is another patients.

When he get there, he went in it. Walking through the hall to hall. With a little dark making it a bit creepy.

And then, he heard somebots calling him, "Knockout! There you are. Where were you? " Asked First Aid. "Oh, I'm just back from my own house" He lied. He didn't want to let the other bots know he helped the seeker.

If he told them, they must think that Knockout was betraying them.

"Why? " He asked back. "Well, we had a bigger problem... " He paused a second. "And that was? " He make a worried look. And impatient to know what was going on. "Well, Optimus Prime is missing. He was no where to find! " First Aid said, almost yelling at him.

Knockout's optics widened opens. "WHAT! Are you serious?! I don't believe it! Optimus are not suppose to be missing and get captured easily! " He said with a shocking voices.

"Not only that, we had another bad news..... UNICRON HAS ESCAPED FROM HIS OWN PRISON!! " He yelled almost choked. Now that's make the red medic shocked and more worried. He went to the main room with a rushed.

"Wait, KNOCKOUT! Where are you going? " Asked First Aid at the red medic. He didn't say anything. Only rushed to the main room before he went out and transform into the red sport car. First Aid went after him, as could as he can.

At The Abounded House
Starscream just sit there and doing nothing. He actually don't know what to do. The seeker, just laying down here and waited. He don't know either from what he waited for.

What am I going to do? I just can't sit here and doing nothing! I need to get out from here Starscream thought.

He stand up and walk out from the old buildings. Well, at least he didn't feel any pain right now.

He feel so much better!

But still one problem though.... He can't transform!

The seeker mech tried his best as he can't to transform into a jet mode.

Why can't I transform?! Is it because about the crashed yesterday? He asked in his thought. From now on, he just walked through beside the streets.

He complained in his thoughts
I should known, flying is better then walking. It's just wasted my time!

But then, he heard somebots talked about something. At first, he didn't mind at all from what they were talking. But there is some word that make him shocked. "Hey guys, did you heard the bad news yet? " The white with orange femme asked. "Yeah... And it's really making me freaked out. How come Optimus Prime just missing like that. Ouh,one more thing, how the scrap did Unicron can escape from his own prison? " The silver looks like black mech wondered. Wait.. Optimus is missing? But how? And Unicron!? Really? The seeker mech asked in his thoughts with the full of shocked.

After that, he went back to his shelter. He glad that no one notice him walking around like that. And it's weird.

He just sitting there like he usually do. Thinking from what those mech and femme talking about. Unicron has escaped and Optimus Prime is missing.

Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn!! Look out guys! Unicron has escaped! Better watch out of him!! So, what happen next? Only times can tell~

See you guys in the next chapter!

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