Chapter 6: An Unstoppable Evil Awakened And An Argument

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Eeeeyyy!! How are y'all doing? I know 'dat I haven't updated this chap' for a loooooooooong time. And the disturbance was a school. My nightmare (T^T)......

Anyways! I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_^



As those two ex-con got to the Autobot Base, they both transformed, then entered into the building to go to the main room.

For Starscream? He got a little nervous when he had to face to the Autobot Team. But, he was relief when Knockout was around him ready to protect him from any danger comes to him.

While At The Mysterious Places
There is one bot walked through the dark entrance with the only one-eye (that's what I called him) red optic.

As he got in front of the other bot who sitting on the large throne (and she also a femme) he bowed at her.

"My lord. I had some news to tell you" He said. The femme looked at him in curious. "Tell me about it, doctor. Make sure it's a good news".

He looked fully at the femme from optic to optic. "It's Starscream. He had a mission to stop Unicron from attacking the humanity. He also agreed into it" He said with a bitter tone.

The femme raised her optics in puzzled then asked him again.

"Who gave him these mission? " The mech replied. "The bot that we were captured"

The bot on the throne hissed in anger as she say his name. "Optimus Prime" The mech nodded. "There is also the other news that I wish to tell you, my lord. The groundbridge is almost done fix. So, that we can go to this planet as fast as possible"

She smiled with an evil grinned.

"Well done, doctor. That's what I wanted to know. Now, you can go back to your work, my dearest Shockwave? ".

He nodded as he bowed at her. " As you wish, my Lord Quentessa" Then he turned around to go back to work with his job.

As for the femme, she looked at the captured Optimus who laying emotionless in her prison.

She laughed evilly as she said, "I guess you still not give up, huh Optimus? " He didn't say anything only the silent will heard.

"Let see if this Starscream will accomplish these mission, shall we? Ratbat! I had a job for you"

While At The Autobot Base
"Are you KIDDING ME??!! " Smokescreen, the only young rookie soldier for the autobot, yelled in frustrating at the ex-con.

"I ain't kidding, Smokescreen. I lied to you all that I'm helping Starscream instead of sitting in the house" He said in serious tone.

"But, why? Why are you helping him?" Bulkhead, the wrecker autobot asked him in a sorrow voices. Same goes to Wheeljack. He also the wrecker autobot too.

"Well, back to those war. He simply was my friend. I just feel lonely after my partner......death.. "

Then again, the other bot snapped at him. "I knew I shouldn't trust you! We shouldn't trust you, you traitor! Why did we ever let you joined to the autobot?! You such a betrayal! " Arcee, the only soldier femme, who feeling being betrayed. Same goes to the other bots (but lucky for them, Ultra Magnus aren't here. I mean, not YET. He's busy working with finding Optimus).

However, Starscream had enough with these pitiful arguments as he yelled back at the autobots, to defend his only friend here.

"He is not! And you know it! " All the bots look at Starscream with anger, especially Arcee.

"And what make you say that, backstabber!!? " She hissed at the seeker.

Starcream bit his dermas, to hold his tears back for not showing that he wanted to cry.

Knockout looked at Arcee in horror. He walked at the computer with the datapad in his servo.

The bots was puzzled when he went to the computer as he doing something in it.

A few moments of silence, Knockout finally done it. "Look, Optimus just giving the messages AND the mission for Starscream". All the bots read the messages that Optimus just gave him.

All optics widened opens in shocked. They all looked at the red medic in disbelief.

"Wha-??? Why did he give these mission to the backstabber??!!"

"Stop saying he's a backstabber, Arcee! "

"He is, that's because he has killed my partner! "

"Do you think your the only bot who lost their partner?!"

"Why you-" She wanted to attack Knockout. But, she being held by Bulkhead and Smokescreen.

"Arcee, I think that's enough. Argument just like this will never help Optimus" Bulkhead comfort her while giving a little dark glared at Knockout as he only watching them emotionless, then he sighed.

"Why don't we just making a plan to go to the earth then?" As they all nodded, then all of them started makes some plans to get to this planet.

Even Starscream joined in too, as long as the autobots didn't mind him, as long as he will showing them that he need to change.

Maybe that one day, he'll make sure that he will be a good bot.
*Taking a deep breath* I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I'M ACTUALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTER!! IN. ONE. DAY!! But the most part I hated is tomorrow...... Tomorrow. Is. School.. Whyyyyyyyyyy?? Why it has to be school tomorrow??!!

*Ahem* Anyways! That's all got today. See y'all guys in the next chapter!


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