Chapter 7

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So like the story IDEA was made a long time ago and I still like it though my thing was proven wrong cause I got the idea when I first started getting into Ninjago so yeah..... But what ever I CAN DO WHAT I WANT CAUSE IM A BOSS *pose* lemme take a selfie o3o


"Wait what?!" Jay yelled confused,

"I didn't know you had a daughter!" Cole said,

"Actually...." Wu sighed, "I guess I should come clean.... I knew I would have to tell this story one day. I have three kids. Two girls and an elder son."

"You never told us about that...." Lloyd said,

"I know.... And I should have.... Two days before I banished Garmadon to the underworld my youngest daughter was born. After Garmadon was gone I hid the golden weapons and made the map. A year later Samukai came looking for the map. I came home to see my wife trying to keep him away from the children. I went to help. I took hold of the two older siblings and ran. My wife held the youngest and ran behind me. But it was too late. Samukai, with one slice, killed both my wife and my one year old daughter. After that I knew that my kids would be in danger because of me. So I sent my last two kids to a friend if mine who I trusted greatly. I also gave him the map to hide. Years later I got word that Samukai came back and in an attempt to get the map killed my friend. My kids were then raised by the people in town. Yet they both lived alone in the shop." Wu explained,

"Wait a second.... But Sensei that would mean-" Kai said with a pail face.

"My youngest daughter was named Abby. My middle child was named Nya. And my oldest and only son.... Was named Kai."

"No. No! That's impossible!" Kai yelled, "does that girl look dead to you?!" He said pointing at the sleeping girl. "We had a father and he died!"

"I have a sister?" Nya said in disbelief.

"I should have told you sooner but...." Wu did not continue.


Abby woke up. She looked around and was confused at first. She sat up and pain blasted her scull. "Ugh, my head." She groaned, she felt that her weapons were gone. She saw that the white one was sitting on a char beside her. She stood. "You." Zane looked at her. "Where are my weapons." She demanded.

"We took them. You have been out for two days." He said to her,

"Two days?" She uttered to herself. "What do you want from me?" She asked,

"To question you."

"I don't understand."


"Two days ago you were fuelled with anger. But now, even though I killed your father, your as calm as ever. I don't get it."

"I was angry. But I don't believe my father would be proud of me if I held a grudge. It is true that justice is needed in a situation like this, but not revenge. Never revenge."

"Hm, whatever, so you said you had questions?"

"Who sent you?"

"Now if I told you that I wouldn't get my money."


"It's how I make a living. I'm an assassin. People pay me to kill other people."

"That's awful."


"You kill people for money."

"So does the government."

"What do you mean?"

"Indirectly, they kill people for money too. When they raise taxes it makes it harder for people to pay. They end up dead because they can't afford to live." She smiled,

"That has nothing to do with the situation."

"Oh I know." She then pulled out a pistol from the hood of her hoody. "Now tell me where my stuff it." She smiled,

"I know your not gonna hurt me Abby."

"What?! Don't you dare call me that! How do you know my name?!" She screamed at him. Her hand went to her face. She felt no mask. "You didn't...." She uttered.

"If you planed on hurting me you would have already done it."


"I believe your hiding back because you know you don't wish to kill."

"Excuse me?!" Anger filled her eyes. "You know what. I don't care if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna make you suffer!" She hissed.

"I don't think you will."

"Oh really?" She said then pulled the trigger.

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