Chapter 12

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It was a few days later. Zane would come and look over her every day until she was released. "Abby, are you awake?" Zane asked as he walked in. Abby sat on the bed looked sad. "Abby? What's wrong?" Zane asked,

"Hm? Oh it's nothing." She said,

"Abby." She sighed,

"I can't pay my hospital bills."

"Who said you were paying?" She looked up at him.


"Sensei has already set every thing up. Your free to go."

"Why would you people do this for me?"

"You're family." Zane smiled, She just looked down and away.

"I don't have a family." She uttered,


"Shut up!" She yelled,

"Abby listen. Please just hear me out. We want to help you. We know your confused and so are we. We're here for you." He took her hands in his. She looked up at him. "Please let us help you."

"I....." She just sat there.

"Please...." Before she could say anything the door opened up. She jumped away from Zane quickly. Cole came in and looked between the confused ninja and the blushing assassin.

"Um.... Am I interrupting something?" He asked as he cocked an eye brow.

"No." Abby said sharply,

"Ok then.... Well whatever. The doctors said you can leave. We're gonna cut you some slack this one time and let you run. But next time we see you we're on opposite sides again." Cole hissed then left slamming the door closed. Abby got up and grabbed her purse.

"Abby." She looked at him. "Cole's a jerk at times. He never really sees the gray in life. All he sees is black and white. But all I see is gray. So please. You know in your heart what Sensei says is true." Abby just sighed in return and walked out the door. Zane walked after her but she was gone before he even stepped his foot into the hall.

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