Chapter 11

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Abby's eyes slowly opened. She groaned at the pain.

"Now I don't understand." Said the voice Abby knew all to well. She scoffed.

"What don't you understand?" She smirked, her voice was raspy and very soft.

"You would risk your life for a child but you would happily kill for money." She closed her eyes and pressed the button that gives her more pain killer.

"I guess you can call me complicated." She smiled,

"I could also call you insane. Both are very nice descriptive words for you."

"I love those kids more then my own life." She finally said. "That school is my home. When I was a child I was abandon in the forest by my parents. A man came along and scooped me up. He was the headmaster at the school. He raised me and taught me how to be a teacher at a very young age. Well when I was sixteen he passed away. But in his will her wrote that he wished for me to become a teacher at the school the day I turned eighteen." Zane pulled his char closer to the side of her bed where her head was and sat down. "But now I'm confused."


"Why did you help me? After all I did why didn't you just leave me on the ground to die?" She asked, he sighed.

"No mater who you are or what you've done you deserve to live." There was a silence. "So what school do you work at?" He asked.

"Darkly's School for Future Villains."

"But I thought they changed."

"Oh well the new headmaster and some if the teachers left and rebuilt the school somewhere else. They hid it so they could continue."

"Why teach kids to disrupted the peace."

"What peace?! There never was and never will be peace. The world consists of ying and yang. It's the balance. You must have one to have the other. There must be evil if there is to be good. The would would implode on its self if the balance was shifted."

"So you do not wish to stop out good?"

"Of course not! What's the use of being evil where there is no good. Better yet wats the fun in that?" She smirked, "but in honesty some one has to teach the good guy to be good. Just as some one has to teach the bad guy to be bad."

"I don't think that there has to be ying and yang. I believe that if peace could happen then the would could survive on that."

"We have very different looks on life don't we?"

"Yes I suppose we do." Zane smiled,

"Whoa! Did you just... Smile?!" She joked, "Mir. Stoic Stare Robot Dude actually smiled!" They both began to laugh. She looked at him. Into his eyes. They were a beautiful light blue. And he looked into hers. A dark but beautiful burgundy red. They stayed like this for what felt like hours but truly was only Agee seconds. Till Zane looked away. He put his had on hers and stood up.

"You should get some sleep." He said before he left.

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