Chapter 23

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I opened my eyes. I was in a strange room that I had never seen before. "Mom? Dad?" I asked out loud. Do I even have a mom or a dad? I thought to myself. I stood up then grabbed the rail of the bunk bed. My legs were weak. A splitting pain shot threw my head as my vision blurred for a few second. I stood there and finally it went away. I continued to walk hoping to find some one that could tell me where I am. Better yet some one to tell me who I am. I walked into a hallway. That's when I saw a boy. He had bleach blond hair that was styled kinda weirdly. He had on a white hood and jeans. When he turned around I saw his eyes. They were so light blue the looked white. They were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. His expression was shock.

"Abby." He said so softly that I almost didn't hear him. I looked behind him and then behind myself finding that we were the only ones there in the hallway.

"Who's Abby?" I asked confused. He then looked sad.

"Abby, it's me Zane remember?" That's when it happened. The second he uttered his name pain ripped threw my head as visions filled my mind.

"Hi there!" I said happily with a smile.

"What.... Did you do?" The boy uttered, his shoulders shaking from anger.

"Awe, what's wrong? I was only having a little fun!" I giggled, a man I didn't know picked up his head to look at the younger. His face was covered in cuts and blood was all over him.

"You-you-" the anger in his eyes was unmatched. "YOU WITCH!!" He screamed.

"I don't understand."


"Two days ago you were fuelled with anger. But now, even though I killed your father, your as calm as ever. I don't get it."

"I was angry. But I don't believe my father would be proud of me if I held a grudge. It is true that justice is needed in a situation like this, but not revenge. Never revenge."

"I don't get it." I said as I walked up behind the boy.

"What don't you get?" He asked me,

"I killed your father, attacked your Sensei, almost killed Lloyd's mom, and put your friend in a coma yet still you don't even show one ounce of anger." I said as I sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

"But you didn't kill Misako and Kai will be fine."

"Yes but Misako could still die and your all on my kill list so I eventually will be coming back after the rest of you."

"This is true. But why would you kill your own family." Anger flashed in my eyes for a quick moment.

"I don't have a family." I hissed.

"Now I don't understand." Said the voice I knew all to well. I scoffed.

"What don't you understand?" I smirked, my voice was raspy and very soft.

"You would risk your life for a child but you would happily kill for money." I closed my eyes and pressed the button that gives me more pain killer.

"I guess you can call me complicated." I smiled,

"I could also call you insane. Both are very nice descriptive words for you."

"We have very different looks on life don't we?"

"Yes I suppose we do." Zane smiled,

"Whoa! Did you just... Smile?!" I joked, "Mir. Stoic Stare Robot Dude actually smiled!" We both began to laugh. I looked at him. Into his eyes. They were a beautiful light blue. And he looked into mine. A dark but beautiful burgundy red. We stayed like this for what felt like hours but truly was only a few seconds. Till Zane looked away. He put his hand on mine and stood up.

"You should get some sleep." He said before he left.

"You know what I love about the fall?" I asked as I propped my head on my hand and looked around.

"What's that?" Zane asked, doing the same to look back at me.

"I think it's beautiful when the trees change color. Instead of them being green all the time they turn to a beautiful array of colors." I smiled at him. He smiled back. With out realizing it we began to lean closer to each other.

My eyes were wide for a moment in shock. "I

Don't know who you are," I began, "and I defiantly don't know why I have the feeling I need to do this." I said before I grabbed him and kissed him. When I pulled away his face was bright red and his eyes were wide. After a moment he grabbed my wrist and took me to a room where an older man sat. When he saw me he said the same thing Zane did.


The Dead Lotus Blossom (Ninjago)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant