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dazed and confused, alex left his place on the sofa, everything a blur from the night before: the party, the argument, the drinking. the argument.

memories from the night before came flooding back to him, his drunken words he said upsetting him. he knew what he said was wrong but he didn't think, he hardly ever did these days, his mind is always crowded with his work, hoping that it all doesn't fall apart by a click of a button.

"why should I love you ? you're nothing to me."

he winced at his words and the now pounding headache from the amount of alcohol he drank hours earlier. his head began to slowly clear up and the more important matter came to mind. where is Y/N ? alex searched the entire apartment hoping that she would be asleep somewhere. nothing seemed out of place to him, not even the pair of shoes that were no longer by door before he passed out.

he held his breath opening the door to their shared bedroom, the last room to be looked in. Y/N wasn't there. there is no other room where she could be. she was gone.

alex noticed a piece of paper on his bedside table, his heart dropped, immediately thinking the worse thing. he had never read anything quicker in his life.

    Alex,                    I love you, I truly do, but last night was horrible, trust me I found it hard to leave. You really hurt me, I don't know if you meant it, all I can hope is that you don't. I adore you, Alex, keep that in mind.                                         Y/N xx

"I adore you"

those three words broke him. he couldn't help but cry, how could he be so stupid ? she's gone, and who knows when she'll be back. if  she will be back. walking back to the sofa Alex noticed the missing shoes making him cry harder. "she cant be far"  is how alex was reassuring himself, hoping Y/N would come back to their apartment. their home. 

she is everything to him.

In case you're my medicine Yeah, you're a medicine 

A/N this imagine is heavily inspired off the song 'Medicine' by The 1975 ahah ! guess its kind of a sad one, hope you enjoyed it, luv ya ! xx

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