Sweet Dreams

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alex and Y/N had been going through a rough patch, they just didn't get along how they used to, this can be quiet awkward especially how their apartment is shared, they couldn't be in the same room without one of them mumbling a rude remark about the other. they constantly argued, they both knew it wasn't healthy, they just didn't care.


alex walked into the kitchen of his and Y/N shared flat, getting annoyed at the sight of Y/N sat on the countertop on her phone.

"is that all you do ?", squinting Y/N stood up from where she was sat not wanting to have another argument with alex over something so small and pointless. "oh, come on Y/N ! are you just going to stand there ?" she just sighed and left the room, alex following behind wanting a rise out of his girlfriend.

"alex, leave me alone i'm not in the mood." Y/N said avoiding eye contact. alex was about to speak but Y/N beat him to it. "alex, can we please have a break from the arguments for one day ? I've had enough of them." the shorter girl said honestly, just wanting thing to go back to when she could hug her boyfriend without it ending in who can say the meanest thing about the other.

"I think we should breakup." replied alex bluntly. silence.

"you don't really mean that, do you ?" tears began clouding her vision. he stared. all he did was stare at her. this broke Y/N more, she would rather him answer other than the ticking of the clock being left undisturbed. actions speak bigger than words. a tear began to roll down her cheek, being followed by many more. this is what broke alex, seeing her break down broke him, the realisation of his words coming too late.

he left. as soon as he closed the front door to their flat he cried. he hated seeing Y/N like that and him being the cause of her tears hurt him. he wanted to go back and answer her question, 'you don't really mean that, do you ?'. no, he didn't mean it, Y/N made him happy, truly happy. he didn't mean what he said but its too late to anything about it. he just hopes she's okay. its all he could do, as much as he wanted to go back and hold her in his arms, he couldn't, for the fear that it would make things worse. he knew if he did it could make Y/N hate him even more, just the thought of her hating him made his mind ache. he loves her and he ruined it.

he loves her.

you didn't even call to wish me sweet dreams 

A/N hope you enjoyed ! I tried to write a happy one but I seem to be better at writing sadder things ?? i'll try to write an imagine with a happy ending soon and i'll try not to completely hate it aha ! ( also if you couldn't tell this imagine is based of a song too ) luv u all xx

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