Lose It

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the mixtape she made alex was my most prized possession, it was amazing, all the songs on the tape had a meaning, it was beautiful. frankly, alex had done the same thing, her first encounter inspired him. he improved his videos, his lifestyle choices, and what was more important to him, the mixtape he had made Y/N.

he perfectly chose each song, all of them having a meaning that would be special, to make memories to, happy memories. everything lined up I the most perfect order, it was silly really, how much effort he put into a insignificant mixtape that Y/N would probably only listen to once, but either way, it had to perfect, the best gesture that anyone had ever done for her, and alex wanted to be that memory, he needed to be that memory. perfectness. 

but how thing changed, he was heartbroken, Y/N had a boyfriend. will lenny.

all of the songs reminded alex of her, all of his favourite songs. he hated her for the pretty lyrics reminding him of what he thought they had. why did you have to have such a damn good taste in music ?? none of  his playlist could help him forget about her. what made it worse is that he could never see her without will being by her side, all of his improvements began to slack, he would do anything to be in wills position. alex was jealous, he was jealous of one of his best friends, and over one of the silliest things, Y/N. a girl he wasn't too sure if he would get over. how unfortunate.

why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music ?

yeah, if all my favorite songs make me think of youi'm gonna lose it

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