Chapter 6

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With Stella and Troi hanging to me, we enter Lamasti.

"Welcome to Lamasti." A blonde bimbo says to us. Just by looking a her you're able to see the dyed blonde hair, the cakey makeup and the slutty look she wants to portray. As I asses the girl, I feel the gaze of someone on me. I try to brush it off, no one is watching me, I turn. Immediately the hairs on the back on my neck raise, I knew this feeling well. Stephan. Stephan Russo is sitting in the dark corner, one single light is the only thing allowing me to see his expression. A shiver makes it way up my spine, his handsome face is contracted in a scowl. God, this man scares me..... look at those eyes. I could get lost in his eyes for days, weeks maybe evenor years. I sigh dreamily, then I immediately change the course of my thoughts, It's crossing the line into inappropriate.

I hold his eyes for I more second, lng enough to see that his eyes are slowly roaming my body. As his eyes roam me, my skin tingles and tightens for connect.

"Girls , I can guide you to your table." Cally holds out her bright red manicured hands out. We follow her to the back of the restaurant. Apparently Stella asked for a  private table.

As we settle and thank the hostess, Stella notices something behind us. Tori and I share a look. "V, Tori, don't you work with that man sitting there?" She points over to the table behind us.

Slowly I turn my back to the girls and  turn to see what shes talking about. Wide wide eyes I look over at Tori, she has an identical expression has mine. With a confused face she mouths.....Logan. What the heck, I mouth back. Why is Stephen with Logan? How do they know each other?

I look back one more time, Logan is actually smiling, but not a creepy smile His smile looks genuine, he looks handsome. As if Logan herd me, his head snaps up and glares at me. 

"Aren't they hot?", Stella whispers to us. Tori exchanges a look with me.

"Stella," Tori starts to mumbles, "they aren't all the look to be." Stella eyes her up and down.

"You gotta be kidding me , they look like underwear models." 

The two girls hae avery tense sare off as I relax to the slow piano playing in the background. I'm not going to let HIM destroy my night night with my girlfriends. 

The rest of the night goes down without a hitch, the guys left sometime after we got ou appetizers. Have being stuffed to the point where we'll explode, we decide (more like I decided) it time to leave. 

"Stop being so much like a mother V!!" Tori slams here hand against the cold tile of the restaurant restroom. Stella comes out of a stall and goes to wash her hands.

"Tori is right V, going to club at 9:30 doesn't mean we'll somehow become kidnapped!" My gosh, why do they have t be so persistent. 

"I had a long day at work guys and I'm feeling very tired. Can we please go home?" I try with mine last attempt to sway their decision.

Both girls pin me down with a glare. "V, we are going, K? Scratch that, you don't have  say." Stella reapplays y lipstick and then we were on our way to the club


"Hey hottie, would you like a drink?" I make a face and pretend I didn't hear the drunk guy. Ugg I hate the club.

I sit in the corner at the back of the bar. I have clear few of Stella and Tori. It didn't even take 2 minutes for men to come and throw themselves at the two.  I quickly look up and scan for them, when I see them I go back to my phone. A glass of sprite keeps me company as I go through  diagnosis's for work."One rum and coke and a cranberry vodka shot, please?" I know that order from anywhere. Tori and Stella set their sweaty bodies in chairs on either side of me. After finishing their drinks in  gulps they decided, I should join the fun.

"V, why can't you have fun?" Tori whines.

"Tori, honey", I use my motherly tone, "who's going to be the designated drive if I drink and have fun?" Stumped at my question Tori goes off to dance, as she passes by me, she grabs Stella along too. 

I absolutely hate this setting, I mean who would want to be here? Sweaty bodies piled on each other dancing proactively or imitating sex but with clothes, I mean, why?? Then don't get me started on the flashing lights and the booming music that could be heard from down two streets. When I walk into places like this, I get headaches and nauseous really fast. 

Shaking my head at all the idiotic people around me, I go back to do the right thing, work.

But as fast as they left, those two came back. Stella turns the tool so I'm facing her. She slowly comes closer to me and whispers with slurred speech, "Do you hear who's playing right now?" I tune in for  quick second.

Excitedly, I close everything up on phone and stuff it in my bra with my pepper spray. I jump off the stool and let them drag me to the dance floor. Tori screams, "I knew this is what would make her to come out." Immediately we got into the groove of the song. 

The first song finishes and another one plays and another. Stella comes up to me, "Who are these songs by?"

"ZAYN MALIK!!!!" She looks over at my goofy grin and rolls her eyes.

"No wonder." Giving me a funny look, she goes back to dancing.

I'm a fan of Zayn's music, I mean ya his music is very sensual but it's sooo good.

I find myself having fun jumping and screaming with my friends. Slowly as times passes The girls found guys to grind and dance with. So I go back to my table. As I settle down, I felt a pair eyes on me. Shrugging I go back to work.

Hi guys, sorry for the long chapter😁

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