chapter one: A Little About Me.

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Hello i'm Midnight Stones.  I have a sister named Moon Stones. I am 16 years old. My sister is 12 years old. I'm four years older than her. My Father passed away a few years back which i can't really get over yet. My father meant the world to me. We were close. Then one day he just left just like that gone completely out of my life. My mother (who you'll begin to hate) is the only parent i have left and she's an alcoholic and beats me a lot. she never beats moon though. sometimes i wonder why.

I've  had really bad depression and anxiety ever since my dad died. when he died it felt like the world was ripped right out from under me. we used to be a happy family. my mother was a doctor a great one in fact. my father was a business man. i was an all A student. my sister was an A and B student. i had a lot of friends, i was happy, i had a life. i even had a reason to live. but when my dad died it all changed. my mom started drink a lot and became an alcoholic. i started skipping school. my friends stopped talking to me. my crush dropped out. my sister started failing classes. we went down hill. oh i forgot to mention my mom started to work less. anyways let's get on with my life.

I wake up all i feel is pain. I open my eyes to see my mother. she had a switchblade in her hands. she cut my arms while i slept in again. so that was my punishment. "sorry, i got home late." i say softly. "well maybe if you were up already this wouldn't of happened!" she says as i cry softly. "NOW GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" she yells. "okay mom i love you have a good day at work okay?" i shudder. she walks out of the room ignoring me. I get ready quickly and go downstairs to make my sister breakfast.

"hi sis." i say cheerfully. "you didn't get up?"she questions. "no i didn't i got home really late last night."  i sigh as i give her the eggs and bacon i made her. "well i gotta go to school so make the bus please." i say softly. Before i drive to school i decide to stop at the gas station to get a drink. as i walk in i see my crush sodapop with his brother Darrel. i quickly grab a pop and go up there to pay for it. when i get there darrel is gone. sodapop rings up my drink.

"hey do i know you?" he asks. "yeah i'm kinda surprised you even remember me we used to be friends in school and i sat by you in chemistry and biology until you dropped out." i answer him. "you know you should give it another shot and return to school." i tell him. "you know what i really should, can you meet me here tomorrow at the  same time so i can rejoin school." he says. i'm shocked that my crush is even talking to me let alone he wants me to meet him here tomorrow. "okay i'll be here also i could drive you to if you'd like." i respond. "i'd appreciate that a lot i really don't feel like trying to explain why i wanna suddenly rejoin school." he says grinning at me. 

"yeah it's really no problem." i say handing him my number. "you can call me any time." i say smiling. "okay noted." he responds. i can't believe i just got sodapop to rejoin school. i think to myself.


i drive home and go to my room. i say hello to my sister and then i do my homework. i exit my room and my mom stops me and pushes me to the hardwood floor of my room. she then punches me giving me a black eye. i didn't do anything so i assume she's drunk again and go with it. she then stabs my arms and legs holding me to the floor. she beats the crap out of me then takes the knifes with her. i stayed on the cold hardwood floor for the rest of the night.

read more in chapter two. Also here are the characters some of them you haven't met yet!
Midnight,pretty,kind,unpopular,hated,sorta poor,sensitive

 Also here are the characters some of them you haven't met yet!Midnight,pretty,kind,unpopular,hated,sorta poor,sensitive

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This is midnight! ^^^^^^^^^^^
Moon,shy,pretty,unpopular,sorta poor

This is moon! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bailey,kind,has money,perfect,popular,pretty

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This is moon! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Bailey,kind,has money,perfect,popular,pretty

This is moon! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bailey,kind,has money,perfect,popular,pretty

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This is bailey ^^^^^^^^^
Cherry, rich,popular,taken,pretty,rude

This is bailey ^^^^^^^^^Cherry, rich,popular,taken,pretty,rude

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Aaannd cherry^^^^^^^^

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