chapter 18 - sad

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a/n:i'm alive guys just so you know.

i wake up in my bed. i sigh am "Am I Depressed again?". i think to myself. i hop out of bed. i walk out of my room and i see a note it says that my dad is at work and so is my step mom.

i hear a loud noise and i turn around to see my ugly mother pointing a gun at me. "don't....shoot.....please...." i beg. "do as i say and i won't shoot." she responds. "okay." i respond. "go to your room and jump out the window." she says. "what?...n-n-no NO!" i say taken back at what she said.

"okay then goodbye midnight stones, i always hated you." she says loading the gun. "wait oh god please no please don't shoot me!" i say whimpering.

then i hear her cocking the gun back. "no please no!" i plead. she stays silent then she points the gun at me and i squeeze my eyes shut tight preparing to be shot and killed.

bang.bang,bang i hear the gun go off. i then feel a sharp pain in my shoulder,then my stomach,then my chest. "no, wait don't leave me here like this." i yell hoarsely at my mother who walked out the door.i then pull myself up and i pick up the phone and dial soda's number.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soda's POV~~~~~~ (boom bet ya didn't expect that huh?)

i hear the phone ringing so i decide to answer it. "hello sodapop speaking!" i say happily. "soda?" i hear a voice i recognize as my girlfriend's voice say quietly.

"yeah it's me how can i help ya darlin'?" i say happily. "i need help." i hear her say. "with what babygirl?" i ask afraid of what she needs.

"i was shot in three places the shoulder,the stomach,and the chest by my mother i need help." i hear her say.

just then my stomach drops. "i'll be there as quick as i can babygirl." i say quickly. "okay hurry." i hear her say. "i will babygirl." i say before hanging up. i quickly bolt out the door, confused darry and pony follow. "soda why are you running?" darry asks.

"my girlfriend was shot." i yell. i arrive at her house (along with darry and pony) and when i walk in i die inside. i never wanted to ever see her like this.

 i never wanted to ever see her like this

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i run over to her and i pick her up. i then run to the hospital with her in my arms. they take her from me and lead me to a room with her.a few hours later she's stable and asleep. i sit in the room with her. i then walk over to her and kiss her on the head.

she then opens her eyes and kisses me on the lips. i kiss her back for a minute then pull away and i look deep into her dull eyes. she's depressed again i can see it in her eyes.

i then kiss her hand and i then look into her eyes and say "you matter,i love you so much midnight,please don't ever leave me." i then kiss her on the lips. "she then looks confused but says "i promise." then kisses me.

~~~~~~~midnight POV~~~~~~~

i felt someone kiss me on the head i assume it's soda so i open my eyes to see it is soda, then i kiss him on the lips. he them kisses me back. this lasts for about a minute until he stops and pulls away and looks deep into my dull dull eyes, then he suddenly kisses my hand and i look up at him.

we meet eye to eye and he says "you matter,i love you so much midnight,please don't ever leave me." then he kisses me on the lips. confused i pull away and say "i promise." then i kiss him again. god i love him so much. i think to myself as i pull him into the hospital bed.

i then tell him "please sleep here with me soda.". he then replys saying "i would love to babygirl." i then smile and i lay my head on his chest and i fall asleep smiling.

a/n: ITZ 2019 sry i had to. anyway i have 2 things 1 what should i call you guys. comment what i should call you all. also 2 ask me any questions i will answer them all (or try).

~Peace out

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