How they formed: a fighter out to prove herself

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With Sheik's fighting skills and knowledge, Joseph could now open himself up to some new applications and, in turn, gain more income. However, these applications would mean a lot of fighting, and Joseph knew he couldn't just get Sheik to do everything. Sure, Joseph himself was a fair swordsman and good with a bow and arrow, but that couldn't top what Sheik was able to do. Joseph had definitely seen Jeff fight, but of course Jeff had become somewhat lazy due to his... issues. But then he is a wanted man, and Dr. Alexander did say that Jeff needed as much rest as he could get. At least until the black rings around his eyes were gone and his pupils didn't look like they were dry. Sheik was really the only fighter of the group at the moment. She was practically a ninja, using stealth, wit, and quick reflexes and thinking to fight in close combat.

As good as that was, it wouldn't be right to let Sheik handle all the fighting. She already did enough for the group. She cooked, managed the money, helped set up camp, etc. Joseph kept saying that she didn't need to do everything, but Sheik said she wanted to. Joseph figured that getting another member for the group was the best choice. But where are you going to find someone that's good at fighting, amongst other things, you ask?

How about the "Champion of the Ring" games? A few cities held these arena battles once every month. Whoever won any one of those arena battles was allowed entry into the Champion of the Ring arena finale held every New Year's day. Many people considered it a big deal. The rewards for winning any of these arena battles were gracious and sweet... like big checks with a lot of zeros on it kinda sweet! Many fighters were often not in it for the money actually. Well, not entirely anyway. Some of them wanted to just show off their skills. Lord knows that's probably the reason the human-sized kaiju liked the games so much. You're bound to see a lot of them enter the games. The games were televised across the multiple kingdoms, but only so many people could get tickets for going to the actual arena. They would sell out quickly, usually by the locals and any family and friends of the fighters. Joseph just hoped he could maybe get some tickets to see for himself.

After arriving in one of these towns, he asked around if there was anyone training early for the next game. Just about everyone said the same name: Harpus. Harpus was a humanoid Bakugan of the Ventus, or Wind, attribute, and apparently she was desperate to win one of these games. They said that she was beautiful for a harpy, but she put too much time and effort into training for the games. Joseph got the idea pretty clearly that she lost a lot, because some of the people he asked laughed about how she "should just go home" or "just give up already". Apparently she'd get a decent way in until mid way through the games she'd lose a battle. Some said she sometimes passed out after she was defeated, and rumors were going around saying that she trained so hard that she'd pass out while waiting her turn in the arena. People said that if Joseph was looking for a fighter for his group, Harpus might just be the gal to fight for him. He decided to see her skill for himself.

He was told if he was going to find Harpus, she'd likely be training at the edge of the nearby forest. "Keep an eye on the amount of broken branches and tree saplings" they said. "Keep an ear out for harpy screeches" they said. They sure were sure specific, weren't they? Joseph didn't even know what a harpy screech sounded like, and apparently neither did Sheik or Jeff. Joseph, Sheik, and an irritated Jeff were all searching for this Harpus, and they must've been in the right place. They did notice a lot of broken branches, broken tree saplings, and scratch marks all over the trees. Jeff had his hoodie over him in case they ran into someone, and Jeff didn't want to be recognized, not easily anyway. If you ask Joseph and Sheik, it wasn't an effective disguise. Combine that with Jeff's complaining and the two of them were thinking that it would've been best to leave Jeff back at the wagon.

Jeff: You had to make me go on a wild harpy chase. I could be in the wagon, snug under the covers with that pillow, but nooooo! You had to drag me out here to look for a girlfriend for Joseph.
Joseph: We're not looking for Harpus just so I can ask her out! I've never even met the girl!
Sheik: We talked about this Jeff. We need a fighter for the group to help us out. We could use the extra money.
Jeff: Why? So Joe could sweep through more girls? Honestly Joseph I thought you'd stop at Sheik considering how nice you and her "get along".😒
Joseph: 😲JEFF! I'm not even that kind of guy!
Sheik: Please tell me I can slap him for that Joseph.😡
Jeff: I'm just saying. You two seem nice together. Looking for this Harpus chick seems kinda unnecessary to m- OH NO! No! You are NOT hooking me up with a harpy lady! Nope no no no no no!
Joseph: Jeff. My God. We're not trying to hook you up with nobody!
Sheik: *sigh* We really should've just left him back at the wagon, huh?

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