Mystic Tailsman

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Joseph looked through the applications for one him and his Scavengers could tackle. He found one that seemed quite interesting.

It was a delivery application. The Scavengers could tackle those easily. Apparently there was a statue and a tailsman that went with it in Termina that needed to be delivered to someone in a forest someplace. There was a map that was to be given to whoever accepted the application that showed the way from "point A to point B" so to speak. The application also stated that, should there be problems encountered along the path, the Ravager(s) who accepted the application were free to use the tailsman to fix the problem. The application was signed anonymous, which isn't uncommon for an application of any kind to be.

Joseph thought about it and discussed the application with the group. They decided that since they were planning to head on to Hyrule for Sheik, they would tackle this delivery application no problem. What's the worst that could happen?

Heh, funny you should ask.

Days later

Sheik had led them to Termina, Hyrule's twin kingdom. The center of Termina, Clock Town, was a nice place. The whole kingdom of Termina was quite nice really. Colorful, unique, and wide spaces abound. It was more technologically advanced then Hyrule, while Hyrule was more magically advanced then Termina. Hey, the two were twin kingdoms after all. Anyway, they met the person who had this statue and tailsman that needed to be delivered. He was a, quote, "happy mask salesman". Apparently Sheik knew this one in particular personally. They were loading the statue into the wagon. For some reason, the chipper salesman kept the statue covered with a white rag, along with the tailsman the statue was currently wearing.

Joseph: *groans* There. *panting* Any idea who wants this thing?
Happy Mask Salesman: *panting* Not a clue Joseph... I just received a letter saying that, in exchange for money, I was to make the tailsman and it was to be sent with that old statue...
Sheik: Phew... Why keep the statue hidden?
Happy Mask Salesman: Well, we do have a few of these statues around, they're just... hidden. Not many of the elders want to be reminded of that day.
Harpus: Of what?
Happy Mask Salesman: Well... I suppose it'll be alright to tell you. A lot of the younger folks around here don't believe it anyway. That's why some of them are so compelled to make these statues I imagine. You see, many years ago, there was this little boy that would come and go in and out of Clock Town. Nobody knows where he came from, nobody knows if he was an orphan or not, and nobody really knew him. The young boy seemed ever so happy and childish and immature, but many thought he was too sweet to be blamed too much or that he was just "acting his age" you know. But then, they say, he started being rather reclusive and saddened, and it only seemed to get worse. Some of the elders told me that they swore that, not long before that day, the poor boy started having bruises and cuts show up all over him. No one knows if he was abused or suicidal. Many figure he was starting to become suicidal because of what eventually happened...
Joseph: *gulp* W-what?
Happy Mask Salesman: Well... *sigh* They say that one day, the boy walked into town, looking down at the earth as he walked. He eventually came to the town well, and they say he simply stared into the water for hours. But then, without warning, he climbed up onto the stone edge of the well... and jumped into it. Many who claim to have seen the child do it didn't react at first, figuring he was just cooling himself off or pulling off another trick of some kind... but he never came back up... Not alive anyway...
Sheik: 😨Dear Nayru...
Harpus: 😕 S-so... Y-you're sayin' we's got a statue of some dead kid in our wagon wearing some magic thingie?
Happy Mask Salesman: Oh I wouldn't worry so much. It's just one of those urban legends we have is all. No one's been able to prove the boy actually existed, and none of the elders know if the child's bones were ever even recovered, let alone where he's buried or even if it happened. Yet another reason people have made statues of the child I suppose. I have no clue why someone would want a statue of such a thing.
Sheik: ... (Clears throat) Probably as a silly souvenir.
Joseph: O-or maybe a part of one of those horror collections or something...
Happy Mask Salesman: Hm, I suppose. Maybe they just wanted something proper and fitting to showcase the tailsman. Well, you best be off. The quicker the delivery is made, the quicker I get paid for this. It was lovely seeing you again Sheik dear.
Sheik: You too. Come on, we're heading out!

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