The average time

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The Scavengers- thought to be a rather interesting group. They do a little of everything when it comes to the applications and jobs Ravagers are given. Currently there's only three known members, but given time they may yet expand. And when they do, you will likely not be limited by who or what you are. The Scavengers are a mixed group and do not judge others by their race. The members:

Joseph- the leader. A simple human with a fine blade. It's his willing and drive as a Ravager that leads the group. Often seen as a sensitive person, he is often the one who is helping others out of the kindness of his heart.
Sheik- though she may be a beauty, she is also a weapon. A Sheikah from the glorious kingdom of Hyrule, this gal is thought of as the second-in-command and is a fighter for the group, specializing in close combat situations.
Harpus- yet another lovely girl, but also a valuable asset to the team. A harpy of the Ventus attribute from the rugged land of Vestoria, she to is a fighter for the group, specializing in ranged combat. She can be seen attending the arena games from time to time.

This group, the Scavengers, are a reliable group and do their jobs well. They are to be trusted with many an application given to them. It is recommended that you ask for this group if you're looking for someone specific for your application.


Harpus: Ha! Look at this! We're on a roll now huh?
Sheik: Being recognized and recommended in the bulletin board papers means we're doing a good job as Ravagers, is that correct?
Joseph: That's right Sheik. We're officially doing as good as any other Ravager group now!
Jeff: Good. Only took about two years and a half to do so. Is that a good thing or what?
Joseph: I think it's about as good as anyone's record Jeff. I don't know. Point is, we're going to hopefully get some specialized applications just for us, which will mean more income on our part. We just need to keep up the good work is all!

Being recommended in the bulletin board papers for Ravagers is a testament to the craft. Like a movie recommendation, if you will. Oh, you're probably wondering what apparently has been two and a half years, aren't you? Well, it's technically been two years since the group, now named the Scavengers, has met Harpus. Harpus still hasn't gotten the fighting spirit out of her, but at least she doesn't overdo the fighting anymore. She still goes to the arena games two or three times a year, mostly for the thrill and experience of it. Joseph would keep his promise to Sheik and would bring her back to Hyrule so she could report back to Impa as much as she could. As for Jeff, he's doing surprisingly well. The black rings around his eyes had mostly faded to near nothing, and though he was still a wanted man, he would actually help out with the jobs from time to time... whenever no one but the group and animals could see him of course. He actually served more as a "watchdog" of sorts. If someone tried to steal from the wagon, all Jeff had to do really was show his face and they'd go running for the hills. Jeff never actually killed anybody in the last two and a half years Joseph knew him, but there wasn't anything as yet found that could say Jeff was innocent. Joseph would still take him back to Dr. Alexander so he could get whatever treatment he may have needed. In fact, they were headed into Joseph's home city when...

Harpus: Uh oh.
Sheik: What?
Harpus: Looks like the Rip Roarers are in town Joe.
Jeff: Gee, what was your first clue? The huge crowd just outside the city limits or the larger then life dragon of those rip freaks?

The Rip Roarers were a group of Ravagers, just like the Scavengers, but they specialized in being, essentially, bounty hunters. In fact, they had a theme of all being hunters from their individual likeness. They weren't necessarily enemies with the Scavengers, but they weren't exactly friends either. Consider them "frenemies" I believe the term is.

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