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The arena was the center of everything for not only the City of Ouroboros, but for the Serpentine's lifestyle too if you thought about it. The Serpentine competed in regular combat to determine who goes up, down, or stays in their ranks. For determining the next Generals however, they did special ritual fights in what they called the Snake Pit (of course), which was basically a small sumo wrestling-like field where the current Serpentine General and the challenger fight with weapons. Whoever yields first loses, and if the General loses, the challenger magically gains the Generals' tail while the old General gains their old legs and swears loyalty to the new General. Other then that, fighting in the arena and the Snake Pit was considered sport for the Serpentine. It was an important aspect of life for them.

King K. Rool could relate to this lifestyle. I mean, it wasn't easy to get into a high standing in Kremling hierarchy, let alone the King of all Kremlings. Plus he was a pirate, and pirates tend to fight their way through the ranks. It wasn't as easy as King K made it look. Plus, Kremlings and Serpentine were both anthropomorphic reptiles, so in nearly all reptilian aspects King K could relate. King K. Rool really had more in common with the Serpentine then one would see at first glance. King K felt the same with Chima's Crocodiles, if not more connected to them for both being crocs, and that honestly made King K feel pretty good. Being with other reptiles really helps with your social skills, or at least it did for King K.

In fact, King K had given deeper thought to a comment Garasharp had made to Ray a couple days prior and, well, he wasn't going to leave without finding a new Serpentine recruit for the Naga's Mercenaries!

K. Rool stomped around the city grounds. A majority of the Serpentine were still working as usual. He could see what Acidicus, General of the Venomari Serpentine, meant by "good luck". As diverse as the Serpentine tribes are, a majority of the "common folk" looked almost too similar. And those that were different from most didn't really... stand out.

Eh, nothing seemed to stand out to Rool. But he kept looking. He casually helped the Serpentine out with the construction from time to time, chat with some of the other Ravagers upon passing them, and just tried to snake in and meet the unique.

At the moment, King K had just barely escaped being the subject of another one of Loki's pranks. Loki was a Faerie Hissi Neopet and was currently with the Neo-animals Ravager group. King K figured that if Loki wasn't with his family of Neopets, he would've made an alright Naga's Mercenary. Maybe whenever the Mercenaries visited a Neopet village they could recruit one of-

???: Ah! Oh my! Too much, too much! Mayday, mayday! Too many platesss! Going down! GOING DOW-

King K saw a Serpentine individual that was trying to wash dishes quicker then the Serpentine ate, but he was carrying so ridiculously many that he nearly fell over will all the plates. Fortunately King K used his finger to keep the lad from falling over. As K. Rool carefully put the stacks of plates onto a nearby table, he studied this Serpentine's looks.

His head was shaped similar to Pythor and Vylor, making this individual a possible Andacondrai, but his scale color was lime green like the Venomari. King K knew the Serpentine were alright with having individuals that crossed tribe races, so that had to be the case with this Serpentine. But unlike a majority of the other Serpentine, this one were clothes in their entirety, whereas a normal Serpentine may wear just shoulder armor or a hat or maybe shoes. But upon closer inspection King K realized that this Serpentine wore a very certain style of clothing that King K was very familiar with...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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