Dragon wrestling

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It was a few weeks after Pit joined the team. So far he was... alright? He kept trying to do everything for everyone like he absolutely had to, but of course he could only handle so much. They kept telling him he didn't have to do everything, but he insisted. Sheik figured that maybe he wanted to make some friends and he thought "do everything to make 'em happy". He did sound like he was a bit lonely.

The Scavengers went back to Joseph's home town, to let Pit know how things go and all. They put him in charge of guarding the wagon while everyone else went their ways. And boy his face lit up when they told him to guard the wagon. He was like an excitable soldier boy sometimes, saluting and all.

As usual Joseph went to the Ravager Gather area to look at the applications available. Sheik probably would of come along too, but Harpus dragged her off to do "girl things". Guess Harpus figured Sheik needed to do some things to show she could have fun too, I suppose. As for Jeff, the usual: leaving him at Dr. Alexander's office. It was the only real safe place Jeff could be outside the wagon, other then the forest I guess.

Anyway, Joseph was sitting down looking through some applications when he felt a light tug at his sleeve. He looked around and saw it was his little friend Six.

Joseph: Oh hey Six! How are you?
Six: I'm well thank you. But I'm running a bit of a risk being out here. Mother's been trying to find me. I've seen the posters out for me. So I can't be out long.
Joseph: Oh I see. Well is there anything I can do for you? Something to eat or anything?
Six: No no, I'm fine. Thank you. But I do have some information you might be interested in.
Joseph: Oh? What kind of information?
Six: Well, you know where all the farmer's are? Just outside town?
Joseph: Yeah.
Six: Well apparently they've been complaining about a creature called a dru- Um... a dra- No. Um... a dreggi- No! Uh...
Joseph: ... Oh! A Druddigon?
Six: Yeah! That's it! Apparently a Druddigon has been attacking the poor farm animals and the farmers don't know what to do! I thought maybe you might be able to do something about it.
Joseph: Well, I'd love to help them Six, but a Druddigon is a powerful pokemon. They're pure Dragon Type, and they often attack any threat they encounter with no fear of damage. Me and my team never dealt with one before.
Six: But Joseph, me and my friends get a lot of our food from those farms. If these attacks continue, the farmers may go away, and... W-we don't know what to do if that happens! Please! 😢
Joseph: 😦Uh... W-well... Tell you what. I'll discuss it with my group. We'll do what we can okay?
Six: Th-thank you... I-I better go. I'll see you around?
Joseph: Sure. Go on.

Six held Joseph's hand for a bit, then she let go and ran off into an alleyway. Joseph was a little worried. A Druddigon was considered a dangerous Pokémon. Pure Dragon Type, rough skin, about as tall as a human, over 300 lbs, and all claws and teeth. It did make Joseph think though. Druddigons are usually cave dwellers and search for food underground. Joseph will have to discuss the matter with the others.

And he did.

Pit: A Druddigon?! Those things are tough! Literally! Their faces are harder then rock! And their skin is covered in spikes and thick hide to protect them from just about everything else!
Harpus: I've dealt with dragons before, but dragons are usually the kind of critter that don't back down without a fight or two first. That Ridley guy I fought years ago was almost skin and bones and had most of his abilities restricted, and I still barely beat him! Just imagine taking down a dragon with a hard hide and all the firepower, not ta mention a wild behavior!
Sheik: What concerns me is why this Druddigon is taking food from the farmers instead of just going through tunnels like most do. All I can figure is that perhaps this Druddigon lives in a cave not far from these farmers and decided it'd be easier to take food from them rather then spend energy and time searching through underground tunnels all day.
Jeff: And ya seriously expect us to be able to take on this beast considering all that Joe?
Joseph: Well, why not? We've got the skill to take on Riptor right? This shouldn't be that problematic. And anyway this could harm my home town if the farmers are forced out of business! We should at least try! If things don't go well, we can ask for Ray and her team to take care of it, but of course you know how rough Ray can be herself. I mean, she admitted to ripping a live sea serpent's tooth out for crying out loud.

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