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Joseph got up alittle earlier then usual. Which was alittle weird considering how late it was when Joseph finally got some sleep last night. Maybe Ragnorok had something for him and the others to go ahead and do this morning.

Amazingly, the Serpentine were up and running this morning like they were yesterday. But it was slightly quieter and somehow less busy looking. Just the early morning vibe he figured. He wandered around a bit. It'd be awhile before the others would wake up, and lord knows when Ray or Konrad's teams would wake up.

Eventually Joseph wandered into the main building where the generals were staying. They'll probably be up considering they're the leaders of the Serpentine. The leaders are usually up earlier then most other civilians. Heck, Joseph was up earlier then the other Scavengers!

Joseph found himself having a nice conversation with a Poisonette member. And she was actually really sweet.

Joseph: I didn't catch your name miss.
???: Oh!(Giggles) My bad. Vylor isss my name. I'm a Poissssonette, but with Andacondrai blood in me. Hence my looking like Pythor you know.
Joseph: Yeah. Yeah I did notice you look alot like Pythor. Well, if he still had his purple scales that is.
Vylor: (laughs) True, true. Don't say anything about it in front of him though. It may not look it but he'ssss actually pretty ssssensitive about it.
Joseph: I can understand that. You seem to know a fairly good lot about Pythor. But then you are of Andacondrai blood.
Vylor: Well, that and... (chuckles) I'm hissss mate.
Joseph: Really?! I shouldn't be surprised but wow! He never said anything about being "married" or anything.
Vylor: (chuckles) Well, officially I'm hissss mate-to-be. We're not "married" yet, but we're engaged and betrothed. He'ssss just ssssuper nervousss about it. After all, he kinda issss the last of the pure Andacondrai and I'm his only way of- how to put it?- "Repopulate" the Andacondrai tribe? It'sss not easssy reviving a whole sssspecies you know.
Joseph: I can imagine! Still, congrats and hope to a happy life for you both! You seem perfect for him!
Vylor: (Laughs) Thank you Jossseph! And I think Pythor would agree. When he sssslithered into me- or assss you humans call it "ran" into me- it wassss love at first ssssight I tell you!

Joseph chuckled at that. Vylor was pretty and she was sweet, whicg was a contrast to Pythor's current and slight unsettling bleach white looks and his stern facal look. Around that time Ragnorok came in and noticed Joseph's presence.

Vylor: Oh! Morning Ragnorok!
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Morning Vylor. Morning Joseph. Say Joseph, you're up alittle early aren't you?
Joseph: You're up alittle early yourself Ragnorok! Shouldn't you rest?
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Afraid I can't today. I've arranged to meet with some associates of mine later and I must be on my way there soon if I am to keep them from complaining about time and such.
Vylor: Oh? Is dearesssst Pythor going with you on thissss one?
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Not this time, no Vylor. I figured you and Pythor deserved some time together and some relaxing to do. Besides, this meeting is mostly exclusive to a select group and Pythor doesn't need to know of the matters.
Joseph: Something serious?
Ragnorok: (telepathy) No no... Nothing that you need to worry about Joseph. It only concerns those like myself who can afford the time.
Vylor: I guessss I'll go ahead and sssee my dearesssst Pythor. Me and him need alittle arranging to do about our engagement. Nice talking to you Joseph!
Joseph: Same Vylor! Need anything done that me and my friends can do?
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Of course. I would appreciate it if you could do anything to help the Serpentine get settled. The Serpentine Council will have a list of daily jobs for you, the Rip Roarers, Neo-animals, and any other groups that come here to do while I'm gone. If you and the other groups want to do any applications in between work here you can always go to Ninjago City for that. It's not too far away to walk, and it's especially not too far if you go by one of our vehicles of course. If you need anything, you can always go to Acidicus. He keeps track with just about everything involving statistics and percentages, as well as other business matters. The Venomari the most clever besides the Andacondrai after all.
Joseph: Ok, thanks. You sound like you'll be gone for a while.
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Yes, I'll be gone for a few days at the least. It will take a day on average to reach my desired destination, a day staying there, and a day back if things are favorable.
Joseph: Well, I hope things go smoothly for you.
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Thank you Joseph. Same to you and the other Ravagers. And remember what I said about Jeff. He may roam amongst the city grounds, but other then the Rip Roarers or anyone else you trust, he mustn't appear to anyone from outside the City of Ouroboros.
Joseph: I wouldn't worry too much about that. Jeff may be lazy- and maybe slightly crazy at times- but he knows what to avoid and how to avoid it.
Ragnorok: (telepathy) I'm sure he is capable. But I insist on his protection here. Part of the matters I'm going on this excursion for could help Jeff's situation, and I won't let him be caught on account of some childish excuse.
Joseph: Of course. Again, I can't thank you enough for all your help and understanding Ragnorok. It really caught us off guard when you came in and saw Jeff with me.
Ragnorok: (telepathy) Think nothing of it Joseph. Just make sure nothing serious happens to Jeff during my absence. We don't want him getting caught now. Just be patient Joseph. Just a little longer, and Jeff will be a free man.

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