Music to thy ears

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The Scavengers were out by the Ravager Gather area to sort out their options for applications when somewhere else in the area someone was starting to yell. Apparently some Crocodile from Chima was yelling at some girl for supposedly staring up his "crocodile gal" so to speak. Some other reptilian looking people just watched and shook their heads, probably wishing the argument be done already. The girl the Crocodile was yelling seemed a little... strange.

Her hair was a mix between pastel green and magenta, and the strands ended in multi-shaded feathers. She had large eyes with golden yellow pupils, and little fangs sticking out of her mouth. She had a sort of "little red riding hood" look to her: with a brown hood(currently down) and a forest green shirt. She also had a bit of fabric that was tied around her waist, semi hiding her exposed waistline. She also seemed to have purple claws, and a tan. Oh, and roller skates to from the looks of them. The wheels seemed awfully thin though, but hey, everyone to their preferences. She also seemed straight up clueless as to what the crocodile was saying to her, like she didn't have much of a care for it. The "happy-go-lucky" type Joseph figured.

The crocodile eventually got so mad that he actually tried jumping the girl as she was about to roll off someplace, but that resulted in the crocodile getting his hide handed to him as the girl managed to wrestle him into submission. Still with the happy-go-lucky look on her face. The other reptilian creatures either shook their heads or laughed at their comrade for his fail. One of them in particular laughed quite loudly, absolutely enjoying the "dinner and show" he saw. Joseph figured he was the type. A large crocodile-like creature with a small crown and a red robe like royalty, yet with long pointed teeth sticking out and somewhat bloodshot eyes that made him seem like a madman. Joseph caught that crocodile's name to be "King K. Rool", and that apparently the whole reptilian gathering here was actually a Ravager group who called themselves the Naga's Mercenaries. The girl their Chima crocodile friend was yelling at just petted his head, literally thanking him for "allowing her to perform the 'Wrestling of the Crocodile Tamer'," and went off on her roller skates. She happened to be going in Joseph's direction, so he decided to say hey and all. When Joseph caught her attention, she had to grab a chair to stop herself from rolling off.

Joseph: Hey, are you alright after that?
???: Hm? Oh! Oh sure! I've wrestled with larger things then him.
Sheik: Really? Where'd you learn such skills as those?
???: Oh that! Well, I've been all over where I come from! I know a thing or two from those places. I happen to be exploring this place "for a spell" as you say. 😊
Joseph: Where are you from originally?
???: Oh... no where in particular...😞... Say, is there somewhere 'round here where I could eat? I'm kinda getting hungry.
Joseph: Um, there's an eatery right in there miss.
???: What luck! Be right back boys!

As this strange girl rolled off, Joseph had a heck of a time trying to keep Sheik from attacking the girl for calling Sheik a "boy". This wasn't the first time someone thought Sheik was a male, and unfortunately Sheik was real "trigger prone", as Jeff called it, about it. Joseph managed to calm her down before the girl came back with a bowl of food. Sheik seemed to refuse to talk to the girl after what happened.

???: I'm back! And hey, name's Revengeance! Forgot to say something about it earlier.
Joseph: "Re-vengeance"? That's a little strange, ain't it?
Revengeance: Meh. Not where I come from. And anyway, the tribe I grew up with named me that. I guess I'm what you call an... erm... an orphan. That's right. I think.(?)
Joseph: Really? So am I.
Revengeance: Yeah? What do you say?... Twin-is?😊
Sheik: Something like that...😡
Harpus: Yo guys! Have I got news for ya!

Harpus suddenly came run- I mean, flying up to Joseph, obviously excited about something. Where's she been, you ask? About the town, if you will. Joseph let her go off on her own while he and/or Sheik were at the Ravager Gather area for applications. Harpus didn't pay Revengeance no mind at the moment; she was too excited to.

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