Here's to the ones who love Christmas

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Hey there!

It's with great excitment that I'm launching this book. Here you'll find four stories, each separate but each related, about four MCU actors that I dearly love. The concept is simple: one chapter a day, until Christmas day. On the 25th (yeah, Christmas is on the 25th), you'll have a special chapter, combining all the stories to tie everything with a very nice ribbon. 

This book is basically a nice Christmas advent calendar, only you're not gonna get tummy ache because of the chocolate. 

I hope you'll like it as much as I like doing it. As always, I hope the chapters will be on time because I'm incredibly late on my writing plans (#jobgetsintheway). If they're late, don't worry. They'll show up eventually, I promise

Enjoy December, have a magical time, drink loads of hot chocolate and sprinkle those with tiny marshmallows. 

Lots of love, 

Navy Xx

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