December 8ᵗʰ

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After that day and for the remaining of the week, Elizabeth and Chris seemed to be inseparable. She would go straight to the theater after work and he'd try his best to keep some energy to spend the evening with her. She'd read in his dressing room while he'd rehearse the play and she'd invite him to her place if they couldn't find a calm enough restaurant. Soon enough, Chris invited her to spend some time at his place and she marvelled at the home staging of his large apartment. Sure enough, he lived in a penthouse apartment with gigantic windows taking all a wall and bathing the whole place with the brown and gold lights of New York City. He lived in the rich part of the Upper East Side, where the streets where clean and the neighborhood was mostly composed of the wealthiest families of New York. Sure, compared to the small place Elizabeth was renting in Queens, it was another world and she could sometimes feel very small in Chris' big penthouse. She was used to small places, to small spaces, and here he was in this apartment where he had to jog between the kitchen and the living room so he wouldn't miss too much of the movie they were watching. Once, she crashed on the couch because it was late and he wouldn't let her go back to her place by the train or take a taxi by herself. She assured him it wasn't that bad, she'd be fine, but Chris was too anxious to let her go so he offered his bed and he'd take the couch but she fell asleep by the end of the movie and he didn't dare moving her. She did seem a bit tired when they'd met that day so he knew better than to wake her up. When she woke up that day, Chris was already up, making pancakes and Dodger was lying on the carpet next to the couch. She yawned, Dodger got up, quietly lied next to her and she had thrown her arm around his neck, to snuggle against him. When Chris finally was done with his cooking and he came to meet her in the living room, she was back asleep and Dodger was lying silently, letting her sleep.

"You really like her, don't you buddy?" Chris laughed quietly, rubbing his furry friend's head.

Dodger's eyes went up to him and then went back to stare something straight in front of him. He looked a bit miserable, like he really needed to move but Elizabeth sleeping was keeping him there. He seemed to not want to wake her up which was seriously cute.

"You're not that gentle with me, Dodger, I'm feeling seriously betrayed, you know that?"

Dodger couldn't care less, though, to be honest. Chris waited for a couple of minutes before he took the plate of pancakes and waved it under Elizabeth' nose. The brunette stirred and yawned again, rubbing her eyes like a child before she finally opened them.

"Hey there, sleepyhead", Chris smiled.

"Hi", she croaked out. "What time is it?"

"It's 8am, I figured you could use some time to prepare before you had to go to work. Maybe grab something from your place?"

"What?! 8am?! Oh my Gosh, Chris, I'm so late!" she exclaimed, sitting suddenly, making poor Dodger jump from the couch before he started barking.

"Okay, let's not panic, when do you have to be at work?"

"8 and a half!" she cried out.

"Oh shoot. Okay, I'm gonna get my keys and I'll drive you to work. Dodger, grab my shoes please!"

"What do you mean? Your trained Dodger to get your shoes?!"

"Fuck yeah I did. Less talking, more rushing out, c'mon!"

On cue, Dodger reappeared with a pair of trainers in his mouth that he dropped at Chris' feet while Elizabeth was zipping her boots up. Grabbing a pancake in his mouth, Chris rushed to get his coat and then he grabbed a little stack of pancakes more, one that he gave to Dodger and one that he put in Elizabeth' mouth while she was trying to put her coat on. She mumbled a thanks through gritted teeth and Chris slid her beanie on. He grabbed a bottle of orange juice and slammed his front door shut, jamming his key in the keyhole and closing it. His car was parked in the private parking lot underneath the building and they pretty much ran to it. Dodger jumped into the backseat, Chris opened Elizabeth' door and slammed it close after she sat on the seat. He jogged to his door, punched the start button and threw his remaining pancakes on the dashboard.

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