December 10ᵗʰ

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Luna Wright breaks silence on Ben Barnes split

E! Entertainment | 09.28.15

It's been nearly two months since Luna Wright and Ben Barnes decided to part ways and the Ragged Way actress is finally breaking silence on what happened.

Wright, 27, has recently attended the TriBeCa Film Festival and was interviewed on a red carpet event about the breakup. She stated that the decision had been mutual and out of pure care for each other. "We had such busy schedules, we barely spent two months together this year and it was getting daunting for both of us. It was a matter of "how is he/she gonna react when I'll tell him/her about this new project I want to take a deeper look into" or "he/she's gonna be devastated when I'll have to cancel that thing we had planned to go to that other thing that just popped up on my schedule". We obviously loved each other dearly but it wasn't the right time for any of us to be in a relationship that broke our hearts out of pure and genuine care for the other. I still support Ben and I always will, he's a phenomenal actor and will always be one of my dearest friends but we felt like it was better for us that way." She wasn't lying as she attended the screening of Barnes' newest movie, Seventh Son.

Wright and Barnes had met a year before, on the set of their movie The Big Wedding. They had started dating a couple of months after wrapping the movie and seemed like a solid couple since then. Rumors had it that Barnes was thinking about asking the big question but they got quickly denied when the pair announced they had split up following almost a year of relationship, stating that they'd remain friends, always.

Luna Wright seen with previous beau, Joe Jonas

Closer | 10.15.15

Seems like Joe Jonas' on-and-off most famous relationship is hitting the on button once again. Three months after Ben Barnes split up, Luna Wright has been spotted enjoying ex's Joe Jonas' band's DNCE's show in New York, at the Webster Hall. She seemed to particularly enjoy the setlist as she was dancing on a balcony with friends.

Jonas and Wright have been involved ever since the two met in New York after a Jonas Brothers' show in Greenwood Village where she was invited by friend Jordin Sparks. They met backstage after the show and the rest is history. Jonas had just dumped Taylor Swift (over a fast voicemail message that led him to become the biggest heartbreaker in country music) and Wright had just split up with fellow actor Chris Pine. They were said to have bonded over the humiliation media had inflicted on them about their breakups (Jonas being the guy who doesn't care about girls' feelings and Wright being the girl who couldn't keep a boyfriend) and quickly started to date after that. She had a cameo in the first music video of the band's third album and even filmed footage of their music video for Fly With Me. It was heavenly rumored that the band's song Much Better had been about Wright when, a few years later, Jonas used to change the lyrics on tour to "Now I'm done with movie stars", following the first split of the couple.

If we have to draw a chart to put back the couple's history together, it'd look like this:

2008: Back in August, Wright and Jonas meet at a show at the Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre in Greenwood Village. They start dating a couple of weeks later.

2009: First breakup happens a year later, in July 2009 after a year of a wobbly relationship made of rumors of cheating and pictures of each others in company of other people. Jonas changes lyrics of his song Much Better to "Now I'm done with movie stars" in August 2009, confirming the two have broken up. However, in November, the two are seen cuddling in Europe as she joined the band on tour. Everybody remembers the pictures of them putting a love lock on a bridge in Paris.

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