December 19ᵗʰ

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Shooting Captain America had been quick. A month after his departure, Tom was back on British soil, at least for a few weeks before he'd have to start promoting the movie, though his character being a background type of characters meant that he didn't have to do a lot of press junkets and television interviews. Because she knew Tom wasn't going to be home for long, Jo threw him a party with Harrison, inviting all the friends they had (which wasn't a ton because they definitely weren't the popular type before Tom became famous) and drank a fair load of beer. Harrison was passed out drunk by the end of the night and Jo was close to follow before Tom cut her off vodka and Orangina. He and Harrison had handled her booze and drinks the whole night, making her her drinks because they knew that it was her first drinking party and they didn't want her to be massively hangover for her first time. Harrison was a good drinking buddy, making her drink water every two drinks and Tom was constantly putting food into her hands, without saying anything. It looked so innocent to everyone else but Harrison; he would simply walk to her, engage in her conversation with whomever and would show her what he had in hands so she'd grab a portion as well and nibble on it. So far, they had done a magnificent job and they were quite proud of themselves until Harrison lost count of his drinks and then completely stopped counting Jo's. Tom was the last one Jo could rely on and ever since he found out Harrison was out, he had stopped drinking all together, sipping on Coke and eating crackers. Tom wasn't an idiot, he knew that he handled his booze way better than her, as it was her first time and adding to that the fact that she was tiny didn't help at all. At one point, she disappeared from his field of vision and when he realised it, he nearly panicked. He found her back on the patio of Harrison's house, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the table, doing shots with a guy Tom barely recognised. Horrified that he let her get into this situation, he quickly (but gently) took her ankles and dragged her to the end of the table where he helped her put her legs down and stand up correctly.

"Why did you took me away?" Jo moaned. "It was fun!"

"Yeah, I know, but you were alone with a guy doing shots and you're already very drunk so I don't want you to get yourself into tricky situations," Tom explained.

"I was fine," she rolled her eyes up.

"Yeah sure and my grandma smokes weed on the weekends."

"Does she?!" Jo exclaimed.

"Of course not, dummy!"

"Tom, you're lame," she cried out.

"Fine, then dance with me!"

"You know I don't know how to dance," she grumbled.

"Then I'll help you out, easy peasy!"

Jo rolled her eyes to the sky once again but agreed, the two of them staying on the patio while everyone was in the house, dancing like crazy animals. The music was so loud that Tom kept wincing as his ears became more and more sensible with the alcohol in his blood. They made sure that they were in the middle of the patio so that they wouldn't trip onto any furniture and Tom grinned as he put his hands on her hips.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course," she mumbled.

"Then don't be so tense," he laughed. "C'mon, you know I won't laugh at you!"

"Easy to say, Billy Eliott," she scoffed.

"Low blow, Jo, low blow.."

"Okay fine, what do I do?"

"Just follow me!"

Tom started swaying his hips, forcing her, with his hands, to reproduce the same moves. The music wasn't very nice, it was one of those songs that overdid it on the bass line and the lyrics weren't even subtle. The song was full on about sex and if Tom didn't have his hands on her hips and if she wasn't so drunk and out of her comfort zone already, she might have laughed at it. But she didn't because Tom was guiding her hips and his were dangerously close to hers, so she needed to not be a fool and not do anything completely moronic. Focus was the key. Or at least, that's what she aimed for but the edge of her field of vision were blurry as hell and the rest felt cottony and sticky and basically she was a hot mess.

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