December 9ᵗʰ

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Chris was a wreck. And a wreck might even be an understatement. He was sweating a lot, he was nervously twisting his fingers in every direction possible, he was stuttering and his hair was sticking up in every way it could. He couldn't form one sentence for God's help and he couldn't even function correctly. That Saturday morning, he fell of his bed when he woke up and then stumbled into his disheveled clothes on the floor, faceplanting on his carpet and getting a very sore jaw in the process. He burnt himself with the water of his shower, burnt his tongue with his coffee and then froze like an idiot when he finally got outside. He forgot Dodger in his apartment when he left, had to come back to pick his poor dog up and then he almost got into an accident on the street. He pretty much crossed the street without looking both sides and almost got ran over (which would have been somewhat of an escape compared to his hig anxiety of the day). Dodger couldn't stop barking, he was late for his appointments and he had put his shirt on backwards and inside-out. Everything was a mess. Everything was stressing him out. Everything seemed like a huge obstacle to go through and he wasn't sure he could.

He arrived at the New York City Center late, with photographers waiting for him to arrive. The flashes blinded him for a second, though it was a daytime and it shouldn't have. He was getting used to this, or so he thought. When he pushed the door, some staff members were waiting for him, his stylist especially, who gasped when she saw him.

"Chris, you look like you got into a cat fight!" she exclaimed.

Dodger barked at the magic word "cat" and then hell broke loose. Chris got taken in charge by his stylist who pressed him to get out of his clothes. It wasn't like she had never seen him in his underwears, Chris only trusted her around and she had every measure of his body to leave little to the imagination. He swiftly got into the dress shirt she had prepared for him and got tangled into his fitted pants, first by having put his right leg into the left hole and then by trying to fit his left leg into the same hole than the right. Krysta couldn't believe how much of a klutz he was being and started moaning at him about how he had to get his act together. That only made Chris stress out more and then it was pretty much a catastrophe. Dodger got into a trash can so his assistant took him to a pet salon while Chris was getting a haircut. Then he had to do some interviews and that eased him a little because interviews were a routine, where some questions kept coming back from journalist to journalist and he could repeat the same answer again and again. Some questions threw him off a little but he was trained for this and it was getting better and better. Then he had to do a last minute rehearsal, where he forgot half of his lines, started to panic on stage and went back to his dressing room feeling miserable. Before he pushed the door open, he could hear Dodger howling like a maniac. But when he finally entered the room and saw Elizabeth sitting on his couch with a bunch of flowers, his brain magically evacuated the fog and the electricity. Elizabeth was here. She would save him if needed.

"Hey Chris", she grinned.

"Hey Elizabeth", he answered, throwing his arms around her shoulders. "How today's been?"

"Pretty okay, thank God my boss closed the shop earlier though. She wanted to say thanks for the tickets you got her. She really enjoys the gesture and said she had to close early to get ready so basically, if I'm here, it's because of you."

"I'm glad I did, then", he sighed.

"Congrats on opening day, my dear", she murmured in his ear.

"Thanks for the flowers", he replied on the same tone. "They're beautiful. I wish I had been the one buying you flowers first, though."

"Well, I'm a bit of a early bird", she explained. "Why should the guy buy all the bouquets, anyway? Shouldn't the guy get some flowers sometimes?"

"I'm very happy about them, Elizabeth", he reassured her. "They'll go well in this room, they'll add some color."

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