December 2ⁿᵈ

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For two months after that introducing day, Viola sat at tablereads watching Iain read his lines and pouring his skills into the words she had thrown into her laptop. She would occasionally sit on a high chair on set to watch them all tape the episodes and whenever Iain asked her for, give him directions. He was the only one who would invite her to his trailer so they could discuss the scenes, because he wanted to play exactly how she wrote Fitz to be. Ming, too, always sent her at least a text by episode to ask for her notes (she would do so with every writer involved in each episode) and sometimes, when she hadn't worked on an episode, she would surprise herself missing the set and the actors, even though she wasn't really friend with them all. Clark had stuck to his promise and gave her numerous details about Chris Evans and his dreamy blue eyes but he stopped when Chloe started asking about Sebastian Stan. Even Elizabeth wanted to know about Robert Downey Jr and it became too much for poor Clark. He stopped telling her anything, until one day, she received a video message from him, which basically was a message from Chris Evans himself, telling her how he heard from a friend that a writer from the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. show was a huge fan and he wanted to say hi. He also said that if one day he was to go back to Los Angeles for a few days, he'd definitely try to stop by the studios to say hi to her. Viola almost died from fangirling that night.

By the time they were almost finishing the first season, Viola was almost friend with the other writers and Maurissa, but whenever she'd hang out on set, she'd stay in the shadows, where nobody would notice her or tell her she was disruptive. She'd hang in the Bus whenever they were done for the day, admirative of all the hard work from the props team and the decor guys, who built the Bus exactly how they imagined it. She'd run up and down the spiral staircase, just for fun, until one day she tripped down and almost broke her ankle. It happened on a lunch break; she had snacked during the morning, just to avoid the cattering trailer and she used that time to explore the set. When she had felt her foot slide from one of the steps, she barely got time to react. It was already too late when her brain sent her the alert to grab the rail. She braced herself for impact on the ground but all she crashed on was a chest and a pair of arms who caught her before she'd land on the floor.

"Wow, careful there!"

A thick Scottish accent. Of course, from all the people she could crash into, it had to be Iain. Viola's face lit up red and she quickly tried to regain balance, before a sharp pain took over her ankle and she yelped in distress.

"Oh wow, you're okay?!"

"I think I've hurt my ankle", she grimaced.

"You need to get that checked up, are you gonna be able to walk?"

"I'm not sure", she whispered.

"Okay, let me help", he proposed.

Without a word, Iain bent down and picked her up in his arms. He quickly made his way to the medical trailer and put down Viola to sit on the counter. He opened the fridge and retrieved an ice pack that he put down beside her. Still silent, he untied her shoe, pulled back her sock and gently applied the cold pack on her articulation, making her hiss in pain and uncomfort.

"I know, I know", he grimaced. "I'll get someone to look at your ankle, stay here, okay?"

"I'm not gonna go running on this", she joked.

Iain stopped a little in his tracks. Viola had never joked around him. It was the first time she felt comfortable enough to do so and he couldn't help to smile, even though he was mostly worried about her state. He ran to the catering and found a nurse who quickly came with him to check on Viola, who was still applying the ice on her foot. A quick examination showed that it wasn't broken, nor sprained. Just painful for now. She got given a painkiller tab and Iain found her a bottle of water to swallow down the pill.

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