December 3ʳᵈ

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Viola went back to San Francisco the following day. She made a stop to the crappy motel, to get her stuff back and drove straight back home. She went back to work directly, writing another episode and replying to Jed's and Maurissa's mails about her incident back in the writers room. She promised she was fine and no, she didn't need to take a few days to rest, she was perfectly able to work from home. She also smiled when Iain's name popped up on her screen in a mail notification, whose title was "list of possible therapists in L.A. and San Francisco". He really did want to help. She studied the lists, decided that maybe it was better to get someone in San Francisco, as it was her home city and she thought maybe it'd be nice to have Los Angeles clear of any of this stuff. She narrowed the list to only women, as she felt more comfortable talking about her life with a woman and tried researching all the infos she could on the first one. She had never even started to think about seeing a psychiatrist, so there were a ton of things that she didn't know but for once, she decided not to throw herself into another searching party on the Internet. She was already anxious enough as it is. There was no need to throw gas on that fire. Her choice went to a blonde woman who seemed to know what she was doing. At dinnertime, Viola crashed on her couch with a bowl of mac and cheese, ready to watch a sappy movie, when her phone ringed and made her jump. She rarely got any call, the usual ones were from her mom and she had a special ringtone for her, so she knew not to jump whenever her phone decided to remind her that she existed in this world. The number on her screen wasn't saved and the ID said it came from Los Angeles. She wasn't sure how but she found herself sliding the green button to take the call and she put her phone to her ear, waiting for the voice at the other end to identify its owner.

A Scottish "Hello" came through and Viola sighed with relief. There was no way she would have been able to have a conversation with a stranger, over the phone. The accent was too much of a hint and even though she had no idea how he got her number, she did feel kind of happy to get a call from him that night.

"Hey", she replied. "Why are you calling?"

"I was just wondering if you got my mail, actually", Iain stuttered, audibly as nervous as she was.

"I did, thanks again. I chose to see a therapist here, we'll see. I chose one, I'll have to call her office and book an appointment, I guess."

"That's.. That's great", Iain exhaled. "I'm actually, ahem.. I'm proud of you, Viola."

The brunette found the air suddenly lacking in her lungs. There hadn't been much occasions for her to hear those words and she wasn't sure she actually deserved them. Last time she had, she had just graduated from her Creative Writing Degree in college, a few years ago. Her parents, as sweet as they could be, weren't much into showing their feelings. She wasn't used to hearing those words, she wasn't used to the sudden burst of warmth in her chest. Her eyes started to prickle and she ran her index finger underneath her waterline, only to feel a tear that was threatening to escape.

"Are you okay?", Iain timidly asked.

"I'm fine", she answered with an unexpected hoarse voice.

"Viola, stop saying that you're fine all day long when you aren't. I can handle it", Iain reassured her.

"It's just that.. I haven't heard this in a long time. That someone's proud of me."

Iain sighed in his phone.

"I wish you were here, in Los Angeles", he murmured.


"Because I'd hug you, if you were."

Viola's cheeks turned crimson and she thanked every God there was out there that she wasn't in front of Iain. His constant help and care was definitely making her life easier and sweeter too. Iain hung up not long after, wishing her a good night and letting her know that he couldn't wait for next week, when she'd come back to set to work on her episode.

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