December 15ᵗʰ

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Luna Wright's getting married!

People | 18.06.01

When Luna Wright shared the news that she was engaged, we were surprised. It's true that the actress has had her fair share of boyfriends in the past and to see her settle down for good was a bit of a shock. Reacting to the news was Sebastian Stan, tweeting her a heartfelt message "It's gonna be weird to watch you walk down the aisle from the benches this time! Congratulations to you two, you deserve all the happiness in the world ♥" Sure, in their movie Everglow, SPOILER ALERT, the two get married at the end (remember the pictures of Sebastian in his black suit in front of a church and we thought Luna's character had died? They were actually getting married!). Sebastian joked around the scenes, publishing a picture of their movie wedding on Instagram with a caption saying "I can't believe you're reshooting this without me!!!" and a laughing emoji. A bunch of her exes also commented on the news. Ben Barnes took to Twitter to send his congratulations: "I'm glad you found what you needed, Luna ♥", while it's been reported Chris Pine and Ryan Gosling both texted her to congratulate her. The only one who hasn't commented yet is Joe Jonas, for whatever reason. Could it be he's not really over the news and a bit jealous?

"I'm having trouble to see it happening.."

Closer | 18.07.05

On a recent apparition in Andy Cohen's late night show, Joe Jonas played "Plead the fifth" and a question threw him off, BIG time.

Having already pleaded the fifth on a question earlier in the game, Jonas got asked if he was a bit sour at Wright's recent news of engagement and couldn't escape the question. Taking a swing of his mojito and considerably thinking of his answer before he started talking, he ended up saying "I'm having trouble to see it happening.. To be honest, I love Luna with all my heart and we've talked about it, of course. I might have been the second person she called about it, after her dad. I asked her if she was sure about it and she nodded, saying she was. I've never met him, I don't know what he's like, which might be why I'm a bit confused about it. I'm fine with her getting married, I just don't know if I imagine her walking down the aisle with him. I'm sure he's great, she's always been very cautious of who she dates and everything. I just don't know him at all so that must be why I'm having trouble processing it all. Lu's always been my closest friend and I'm a bit protective towards her, but then again, I trust her completely and it's her life afterall. I'm sure he's a good guy, I wish her the best."

Seems like a certain ex is a bit sour, indeed..

Luna Wright answers Joe Jonas' comment about her engagement

Just Jared | 18.07.11

After Joe Jonas' comments on her engagement, saying he "had trouble imagining it", Luna Wright took to Instagram to set the record straight. Sharing a selfie of Joe and her, back as a brunette, she captioned it:

"Joe is allowed to comment all he wants, because he knows me and I gave him the right to when I chose him as my best friend. To hear your best friend say that he can't quite imagine your wedding is sure a low blow but it made me think about it and after several talks between both Joe and me and James and me, we agreed that I should have introduced them long ago. So here's a selfie of our afternoon together, the three of us. I'm happy to report that they got along quite well and Joe can now see why we want to spend our lives together. You can't quite see James, per usual, but if you look closely, he's here, somewhere!"

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