December 22ⁿᵈ

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The brunette jumped a little, putting down her pen on her notebook and turning on her chair. In front of her, a Scottish dude was trying to get her attention and she sweetly smiled at him before going back to her computer that was now in sleep mode, displaying the hour and the date of the day: April 15th, 2018.

"You were gone so far, Love", he smiled, standing beside her. "I just wanted to know if you wanted a cup of tea."

"Yes please!"

His hand on her shoulder gripped a little bit harder before it slid down her back. Viola smothered a sigh of content and tilted her head back to rest upon his stomach. Iain had been nothing but sweet these past few weeks and she enjoyed it so much. She kind of felt like she was taking advantage of it, though, however, Iain promised that it was fine and she didn't say anything else after that.

"How is it going?" he gently asked, rubbing her back gently.

"There's progress", she assured. "Not sure I'm liking where it's going but I'll see about that later."

"You're gonna erase ten pages at once, right?" he smirked.

"Totally, yep", she emphasized on the "p". "It's just so hard to write this, seriously, I hate it!"

"I can see why", he conceded. "Just remember how hard it was to write the wedding vows!"

"Don't bring me back on that.."

Viola had been writing more and more for the Marvel's series. She had been main writer on dozens of episodes, now, and truth be told, she loved it more than anything. To be in charge of the characters and the story was completely euphoric and she enjoyed the idea of being the one to be in charge really helped her with her anxiety. She rarely had been able to make her own choices, with her nerves being a complete parasite in her life but she had to admit that having to make choices for fictional characters was a really cool way to actually be responsible of something, for once. As always, she was more compelled to work on the character of Fitz, but she enjoyed writing about the others as well. She had given Fitz a great arc in season four, with the Framework story and she was a bit heartbroken to see the aftermath of it, now. His struggles with his schizophrenia was both logical and totally tragic. But she's been sporting a "bitch writer" jacket with a SHIELD emblem for the past seven months (curtesy of Elizabeth and Chloe) so she knew she was to blame for that. Episode 5 of the fifth season had been her favorite to write though, with Fitz finally escaping from jail with Lance Hunter. The whole episode had been fun and light to write with jokes and puns, so it had been a pleasure to work on. However, she had been assigned to write Fitz' wedding vows to Jemma and even though she loved their relationship, writing vows for her boyfriend to recite to another woman had proven itself quite difficult. Several times, Iain had asked if maybe, just maybe, another writer could be asked to step up for her, but Viola had refused any easy way out and had written the best freaking vows ever seen on TV. She had refused, however, to be on set for the tapping of the wedding, which Elizabeth understood completely. She even tried to apologize but Viola knew that it was part of Iain's job and that she couldn't do much about it. She wasn't going to ruin FitzSimmons wedding just because she couldn't bear witness her boyfriend getting fake-married to another woman, right? She was already bothered enough whenever they'd tape a kissing scene, so really, the wedding was too much for her to watch.

"This is worse than the wedding", Viola whined, hiding her face in his sweatshirt.

"I know, Love, I know.. Doesn't make me ecstatic either, truth be told."

"This is part of our jobs, right?"

"Totally", he scoffed, leaning in to steal a kiss. "When's your appointment with Dr. Claybrook?"

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