2 - Tender and Bare

18 4 1

Your clothes comes off like

the storms in the Spring,

and I taste you up

with the songs I sing. 

You're so young, like me. 

We'll dance in the tree,

if we want it so-

Like it happens to 

be in our dreams. 

You're so full of it

when I'm talking, and

 you quickly jump, quit. 

Could I request just 

a little bit for 

this moment, that I

touch your aroused breast? 

You strip down for me. 

We dance in cities.  

The people don't watch, 

they keep on driving. 

You tell me you love

buying Christmas gifts.

We all stare in shock 

at the tall friend's kiss. 

You scream you want me 

To damage you deep, 

Not emotionally-


Fucking, and roaring, 

Sweat begins pouring. 

I fall over you 

And you laugh with me. 

Your body wraps itself

around me. I suck 

on your cute tummy. 

You promise not to leave. 

Undoing bras and 

a shirt that's so tight,

You tell me how all 

is alright. I love 

your face, your hands, and 

most of all your fair

wavelength, tender and bare. 

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